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This is another game in Roblox called Murder Mystery. There is a Murderer, a Sheriff, and lots of Innocents.

Also, if you haven't read Look Behind You, here is a small Glossary of the species in this book.


Icing- A person who is half-ice. There are only five known cases in the whole world, and only two of the five can do spells, including Nitro.

Meifwa- A person who is half-cat. They are pretty uncommon, and have a rare talent of being cute, plus turn fully into a cat or hide their ears and tails if necessary.

Meer- A person who is half deer/moose. They usually have long antlers coming out of their heads, some with rare abilities.


The role of Nitro is... Nitro_Dreams

The role of Kitty is... KittenChicken83

OC Theme Songs

Nitro- Faded (Alan Walker)

Kitty- The Spectre (Alan Walker)

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