Introducing myself

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(Hi, this is the author and this is not a story of mine, I'm just making this up.. so don't take this serious, ITS A MADE UP STORY)

Hi, I'm Christina. I'm 14 years old, I like comic books and hangout with nobody. I am a girl who has a mental disorder, I was always called "Fat" because of how I looked. My disorder is eating.. I starve myself to become slimmer and skinny. I would go to the gym with my parents sometimes. They don't really know that I really starve myself. But they did say that I was "Getting skinner". I'm pretty chill, not too crazy. I think about suicidal because I get bullied, and get told that I should "die" "kill yourself" "Cut/slit your arm to look ugly" but I wondered if I actually did that. I'm pretty depressed about everything because I'm sensitive and can't take things funny or as a joke. I forgot how to laugh and smiled. I would wonder how I looked when I smiled.

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