I.Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. identify the parts of the plant and its function;
b. label the parts of the plant; and
c. appreciate the importance of plants to our life.
II.Subject Matter: Parts of a Plant and its Functions
Concepts: The parts of a plant are:
-roots - holds the plant
-stem - hold the leaves
-leaves - make the food of the plants
-flowers - help the plant to make seeds
-fruits - hold the seeds of the plant
References: BEC-PELC III, 1.1.1 p.4
Science Towards a Healthy and Progressive Environment,
Natividad M. Dacanay pp.149-166
Science and Health, Carmelita C. Coronel, p.90
Adventure in Science V p.256
Materials: drawing, activity factsheet, charts, scoring rubric, realias,
photocopy of the formative test, power point, LCD, Laptop
Value Integration: Love and appreciation of plants as one of natural resources
given by God.
Strategies: Weather Forecasting, Trivia, Singing a song, Picture Study, KWL chart,
Use of Rubric, Cooperative Learning
Teacher's Activity
A.Preparatory Activities
2.Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today class?
Very good!
3.Health Inspection
Before we start our lesson, let's have first our health inspection.
May I request the leader of each group to help me check or inspect the nails of your groupmate?
Why is it important for us to check our nails or other parts of our body?
What else?