1. Vishnu

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In a small village located near the North border of Uttar Pradesh, we see a young man Vishnu at his  field inspecting the crops as the Harvest season was near. On his request, one of his friend from the Krishi university "Atul" had accompany him to the field to check the fertility of soil and can guide them about the best next crop to be cultivated.

Vishnu was an educated man. He studied B.com from the Uttar Pradesh university and went to Pune for his MBA. He is the only living son of his parents. His mother had given birth before him but none of the children could Survive. He was termed as a miracle for his mother.

He had seen his mother suffering at his father's hand and hated it. The way she was treated by his father was never tolerable to Vishnu but then he had also witnessed his grandfather degrading and badmouthing his grandmother also. At an early age he understood the women held no importance in his family or village but that made him sympathetic towards women and not like his father or Grandfather exploit them.

Vishnu belong to a very orthodox mentally family & village. He had never seen Women being treated as equals. In the Zamindar family the condition of women was still humane but in financially unstable houses the condition of women was far worse than expected.

A place where women born was termed as bad omen felt like a hell to him. They were only machines to produce heir. He hated the culture here but he was there only for his mother and now his relation with his mother was also not good, how can it be when his mother was adamant to marry him against his wishes.

It was hard for him to breathe in this environment and he was still trying to change people here. If not for him then for some other Vishnu.

Vishnu's Bedroom.

I am your husband
How can you agree to my second marriage??
He angrily moved towards her and hold her arms tightly. She closed her eyes and tried to suppress her sob but in vain. He ordered "look at me."

She opened her eyes and a tear slipped down from her eyes and rested on her checks. She looked into his eyes and saw anger for her. She never wanted this to happen but who was she to complain, it was her stupidity that had caused them this pain.She closed her eyes and looked down, unable to look at his accusing eyes.

He tried to control his anger but his wife avoided his gaze and he was on the verge of losing his senses. They were happy, she wanted to come here. He never wanted to settled down. She pursued him and now when he was fighting she was giving up.

While she was standing in front of him with her head bowed down. She knew the minute he got to know about her agreeing to the set up made by his parents, he would bring storm in the house. He was the calm one among them but now she has to be calm in front of him.

Tell me why did you suddenly gave up on our relationship that too without any kind of discussion with me ?
Do you think it is too easy ?
Don't you know me?
Don't you trust me ?
Or you think I will agree to it, if you say ones?
Answer me dammit, don't stay quiet in front of me. You know I can't agree to it, then also you didn't think once!!
Have you lost it Lakshmi!!!

She looked at him with eyes full of tears now and after a silence which felt eternity , she gave a reply.

"They told me that if you agree to marry again, they will allow me to stay near you. That is enough for me." I can see you daily and they won't create any problem after they get heir from you.
She replied trying to control her tears.

And what about us, my legally wedded wife ?
He further questioned her with a tont and every second anger building up in his voice.

You will get a new young bride, which can give a heir to you and your family.
She replied to him while looking straight in his eyes. This time she knew, she was digging her own grave but she has no choice other than to push him to the edge where he would have no option but to agree with her choice.

Her words broke down a husband trust towards his wife. He was now heart broken and she was the reason. Why his love was not trusting him now, back then she was the one who made him recognise his love for her. Coming here with her was a mistake which took away his life precious relationship.

For the last 2 years he was just mending things to be with her. They got married for their love. He was madly in love and so was she but the cruelty of his world murder their innocent love.

Controlling his temper for once, he further inquired with her
And what if I don't want that?
What if I am not happy with this arrangement ??
Answer me, when you have decided everything by yourself and you think I will agree to do what you asked me to. He said raising his voice to the utmost level, that even the neighbour could hear him shouting at his wife.

She was sobbing badly now. He further continue
What will you do for that. Huh ?
Answer me !!

She was continuously crying because of his behaviour but he is not the one to be blame. Before she could utter a word from her mouth he said giving an ultimatum to her.

Let me make one thing very clear to you,
I am not going to marry again, and that is final.

He stormed out of the room, without looking back.

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