In a village, called Archmez, there lived a adventurous girl, named Aery. In Archmez, just like every village, we, humans have marks, called birth sigils on their right hands, each type has its own magic-type and its own unique symbol, one of the parents have a tradition to create the same birth sigils, from the old generation to the new, It is their choice to think of it as a curse or as a gift, Aery was a spirited girl, ready, prepared for anything. Her reflexes are always on point, she always can't wait for exciting things to happen. No matter how big or small the excitement would be, she would enjoy the thrill anyway. Now its time to unfold her new chapter: The Beginning...I giggled." I can't wait! I can't wait!" I cheered in delight. I remembered it was my day to shine just like the luminous sun, my stretched her arms, flipped over my blanket and dashed down the levitating stairs, with the effect of glimmering stars. "Greetings!" I exclaimed, waving at my Mother preparing for the event. While, her Father was in the his room go through his very own grimoire, checking through every spell that he had known was in his grimoire. His hair was scruffy, he was wearing a teal shirt with jeans, aside that, below his eyes were greyish colour, assuming he pulled another all-nighter I smiled, giving my Father an "hello!" signal. I went to eat my breakfast, toast and cereal. Just an average girl eating her breakfast, nothing special. "Aery, my darling! Come out to the runic room!" My father called me, I skipped happily towards the runic room, hoping to learn my first spell today! "As my young student, you require the basic knowledge of magic.","I have the sigil of Alchegic, Alchemy and elemental magic, combined into one sigil. You have the power of every sigil, be smart and wise about this, I understand if you are not ready yet, I am not forcing you, this is your choice, your decision, I will respect your decision whatever it is." Father told me in an serious tone. "I am ready." I replied, in a deep voice as I starred into my father eyes deeply, with no regret.
"Alright" father said in a stern tone, "Grab a rune, choose wisely, the rune you choose will accompany you for the rest of your lifetime.","What are runes?" I questioned my father, curious. "Runes are one of the most basic sources of magic." Father replied. "For example." Father grabbed his wand, it was a diamond-shaped blue rune, the rune was sparkling, crystal clear and beautiful, just like my mother's blue crystal eyes, with a crystal above the bird's head, maybe that is why he chose that as his rune, I thought, with the wood crafted by Enchanted Wood, carved into a rod with a bird standing on the rod, representing what he wants the world to have in the future -- freedom and peace. The sigil of alchegic was big responsibility but I know was ready for it, to continue my legacy of my father, the Magus of Twilight, Alextraz. My father was famous for his wizardry in the magic world. Father grabbed hold of his wand with two hands firmly, he lifted it up high and hit it against the wooden floor, "I summon forth, from the Gods of twilight. I call upon, Bird of Twilight!" my father chanted. Magic circles started to appear all around him, my eyes widened, amazed by the spectacular sight.
What could possibly go wrong? I wondered..
The Alchemgical Journey
FantasyA adventurous girl sets out on a quest to master all spells and help to make the world a better place.