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It had been a while since he had been right there, sitting on his chair at the table, contemplating the vase in the darkness of the room. A vase that, he was conscious, went empty a certain amount of occassions before. He was able to know this because he was still there. His presence, his shaky and violent aura could be seen through the glass, dirty from alcohol and  cigar ashes. He knew because, like a far, persistent murmur, just like the tic-toc of a clock, he could perciebe how he tried to get rid of the cuffs that embraced his wrists, smashing them against the other; sometimes more roughly than others. His mood was variable. And the same way he got to stand the repeating sound of some cursed clock, he got used to him.

His hand reached for a new cigarette as he decided he already had enough wine to keep him numb and unfocused, but before he was capable to light it, the zippo lighter flew against the wall, making a tiny mark on the wallpaint. He didn't even bother showing any reaction . Whithout needing to search for him with his eyes, he knew he was near him.

He kept the cigarette between his lips though, and exhaled the oxygen he was keeping without really noticing inside his lungs with a really heavy sigh. Just like he expected, his scent didn't take long to be felt behind his body followed by a slight tongue flick that could have sound nearly funny if it hadn't had so much wrath in it.

"You've spent an all-nighter over there. Enough vice for a day", whispered to him, with his habitual husky and low tone.

"Since when you care about my health."

He chuckled bitterly and hugged him from the back as an answer. They were infatuated, wasn't that the beginning of everything? Wasn't exactly that the reason because his existence signified so much trouble to him? That's what he tried to repeat to himself every single day. The warm breath of his contrary lightly touched his earlobe, descending until reaching his jawline and later the corner of his lips.

"I'm your guardian angel, Taekwoon. Don't you remember?"

The liar's whisperer (English v.)Where stories live. Discover now