WORLD WAR 2 GERMAN WEAPONS ( no panzershrek )

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The German Karabiner 98Kwas an accurate, powerful, and reliable bolt action rifle.

It was the primary rifle for all German soldiers of World War Two. The "K" in

"98K" meant "kurtz". This version was first seen in 1935, and was manufactured

by Mauser, which isit's nickname,to which it is most familiar. It used the 8mm

round, but the round was actually a 7.92 X 57mm., with the 7.92 just being

rounded to 8. It had a 5 shot integral magazine, and weighed 8.60 lbs. unloaded.

This weapon was first developed in 1898, and was slightly modified many times

over the course of it's service length. This weapon was used for military purposes

from 1935 to 1945. This weapon had spectacular accuracy at long distances, around

500 meters. normally, but if it was equipped with a scope, a skilled marksman could be

effective up to 800 meters. Like many bolt action weapons at the time, it was bulky, heavy,

and had a slow rate of fire due to the bolt mechanism. The Germans during World War Two

did not persue semi-automatic weapons as much as did the Allies. They stuck with their bolt

action weapons and tactics for the majority of the war, as the Germans had little success with

semi-automatic weapons. Without a doubt, the Kar98k saw the most action on the German

side during World War Two, serving in every theater. Many other nations took the Kar98k and

altered them for their own use, as over 10 million had been made, they were an ideal

weapon. There was also a version of the Kar98k with a folding stock, for paratroopers. During

the later years of World War Two, the Kar98k was being replaced with the MP-44, which was

much more suited for close quarter combat, and had a small rifle like cartridge, with a very good

rate of fire. The Kar98k has remained in use to this day, and is a valuable collectors item.

MP-44/ STG-44:

The MP-44 was first invented in 1944, after the invention of the MP-43, which

was similar. The MP-44 had only a few changes. The MP-44 carried a newly

invented round, the 7.92 X 33mm Kurtz round, Kurtz meaning short. The idea

of the smaller cartridge was to have the power of a rifle cartridge, yet being

smaller, and having the capability of being in an automatic rifle. The weapon was

fed by a 30 round detachable box magazine, and it weighed 11.24 lbs. unloaded.

A odd feature was that the weapon could use the "Krummlauf Attachment",

which allowed this weapon to shoot around corners. The rifle was given the

name, "Sturmgewehr", meaning "Assault Rifle". This name was supposed to

have been given byHitler himself. If it is even true, the name still well describes

the role the gun played in World War Two.But still, the weapon came too few,

too late, to make any difference.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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WORLD WAR 2 GERMAN WEAPONS ( no panzershrek )Where stories live. Discover now