24) Base

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3rd POV

Wendy watch a familiar person, stuck in a coffin. Jellal. Happy explain that he tried to kill them before, but Wendy can't decide to help him or not. To her was he a hero, but to her new friends is he an enemy. Brain want her to heal Jellal, like it's important to the world, witch it isn't. As for (Y/N), is she sleeping next to Midnight, who is also asleep. The poison she got is strong, that her own power isn't enough to cure it. Her spirit, Poison, is doing what he can to break it without being notice. Spirits can't be detected by Cobra's hearing. Their thought is their own and their smell is gone. They can only see and hear them talk normally.

''Don't worry princess. You will be just fine.'' Mumble Poison and look over to his partner, Metal.

'' Mumble Poison and look over to his partner, Metal

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''We can maybe get one of the others here to do it

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''We can maybe get one of the others here to do it. If princess is sleeping, can't we do much.'' Whispered Metal. Poison nodded.

''Find Natsu. He is the closes with Gray. I stay and keep an eye.'' Metal nodded and grapple hooked away. Natsu and Gray have finish fighting Naked Mummy dark guild and is now facing Erigor.

''Natsu.'' Shout Metal and land on a branch.

''It's Metal.'' Says Gray.

''Metal?'' Muttered Carla.

''Finish fighting this freak and come with me. I know the location of their base.'' Says Metal and smirked.

''Don't say that I am a freak.'' Yelled Erigor. Natsu start his flame and attack Erigor with more power than last time. Erigor has proven a little more stronger, but Natsu's fire is strongest. 

''Maybe I should have found the others.'' Mumble Metal and see Natsu getting out of control and destroying the forest without a care.

''Couldn't you have finish that a bit faster, flame-brain?'' Ask Gray. Natsu take the collar of Erigor's cloths and start shaking him hard.

''Hey, you. Where are Happy and Wendy? This is no time for sleeping.'' Shouts Natsu. He totally forgot Metal. The spirit hit the fire mage with a hammer and send him flying in the sky.

''I know the location you idiot.'' Yelled Metal when Natsu come back to the ground, unharmed. ''It's at the abandoned village at the west side. The ancient village. Your memory is a total busted.'' Anger is clearly showing from the spirit.

''If you worry about (Y/N), then you shouldn't. Happy is with her and Wendy.'' Retarded Natsu.

''That cat maybe have a mouth, but he isn't that strong for someone like Oracion Seis.'' Says Metal back.

''You take that back.'' Shouts Natsu and starting getting angry again.

''Make me.'' Before Natsu attack Metal, move Metal aside and start running towards the direction to the base.

''Hey, I am not done with you.'' Natsu speed after Metal with Gray and Carla behind him. Poison see Metal land next to him gracefully and nodded.

''let's see if they can safe princess.'' The two spirit return to their realm and let the team take over. Natsu and the rest see the waterfall and the cliff. Down there is the enemy's base. Out of no where comes Racer and attack them. Gray take the fight with him and let Natsu and Carla get into the base. Inside the base has Wendy healed Jellal and crying for feeling like a betrayer. (Y/N) starts to wake up again.

''Wendy, Happy?'' (Y/N) rub her eyes and stand up.

''(Y/N), don't do anything.'' Says Happy. (Y/N) open her eyes and  see a new person standing.

''So she's awake.'' Mumble Brain. (Y/N) see Wendy cry and mumble sorry.

''Wendy, you used healing magic. What are you thinking? If you use that power recklessly... Wendy.'' The wind mage fall down, have use to much magic. Natsu get's angry and try to hit Jellal, but got blown away.

''Tremendous magical power as always, I see.'' Jellal look at Brain and hit him too. (Y/N) cover Wendy from the rumble and make a barrier.

'I have heard he used to be friendly to Erza. His aura is more clear than I expected.' Thought (Y/N) and take a look at Jellal. He walks out of the cave with a plan in mind. 'Erza need to know.' (Y/N) send a telepathic message to Erza.

''I don't know who he is. But isn't bringing Wendy back with you more important right now?'' Says Carla. ''You want to save Erza, right?'' Natsu bite his anger and nodded. 

''What about (Y/N)?'' Ask Happy. Natsu turn and see (Y/N) doing something to Midnight.

''Are you coming? Your spirits is on out tail right now.'' (Y/N) turn around and nodded. A white aura surround her. Then wings spread out of her back.

''Aera.'' Chanted (Y/N) and fly outside: Happy lift Natsu and Carla with Wendy. While flying shouts Gray to dodge, witch is because Racer is coming after the five comrades. (Y/N) did it, but not the others. ''Gray, remember what I told you guys before. Think the opposite.'' (Y/N) shouts back and catch Happy and Carla, while Natsu let Wendy fall on him. Natsu starts running away with me flying beside him and with Racer right after us.

''I said you are not getting away.'' Says Racer. (Y/N) then stopped out of no where and kick Racer in the chest. ''What the...''

''Nice job.'' Cheered Natsu and got away. (Y/N) then fly after him, letting Gray handel Racer. Gray make a rampage, a wall of ice to keep Racer away.

''Go. I told you... I will get this guy.'' Muttered Gray and breath hard.

''But you just used too much magic power.'' Says Natsu.

''Whatever, get going.'' Said Gray back. (Y/N) pull Natsu's scarf to make him continue. ''He isn't getting past here, not even over my dead body. Go. To where Erza is.''

''I am gonna save Erza, you bet.'' Shouts Natsu and run away.

''Gray can handle him. I feel Lyon is near by with Sherry. He is gonna be alright, all three of them.'' Ensure (Y/N). Natsu nodded and then remember something.

''What did you do to that sleeping guy?'' (Y/N) giggle.

''I am just getting a little more information and how to beat him. Just like that message I sendet to you. Racer's magic is not speed, but slow magic. He make his opponent slower so it seems like he is faster. I couldn't explain it on the message, but I hope my riddle could give the clue to you guys.'' Smirked (Y/N) and fly a little higher.

''They were a tiny bit hard, but you did a good work.'' Praised Natsu to 6 year old child. Natsu like that at such an young age, is she smart as an adult.

''I only learn from the best.'' Cheered (Y/N) and laugh. Even in these situation, smiles (Y/N) to make everybody feel better. The golden light in Fairy tail.

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