When I'm Alone

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I'm not exactly sure when I fell for him. Maybe it was when he would play with my hair before we fell asleep... Or maybe it was when he kissed all my scars. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was when he felt so much pain because of the stories that I told that he literally wept. Maybe it was the moment he first got to hold his little girl in his arms. Or maybe it was the moment when his daughter crawled to his chest and it literally took his breath away. No I don't think so. Those were all great memories. And I cherish them... They never leave my heart. But I think the moment I fell in love was when he told me he loved me for who I really was... Not who I appeared to be. Moments like that.. No one can take from me. And yes... I know things are different now. I know he has changed... As have I. And I'm okay with that. I don't have hard feelings towards him for leaving. Why should I? He gave me the best and happiest memories of my life. And for that I owe him thanks. Sometimes at night... When I'm alone in my room...Laying in the bed we used to share...I can almost feel his touch... Or hear his voice...and then I awake. It was just a dream...but this dream is different. I may not wake up to him every morning... But I wake up to something just as amazing...His children.

So if you're listening.... I still love you. You are constantly in my thoughts, and your name...forever engraved in my heart. I hope you find what you're looking for out there. But if one day you get lonely...just remember. You have a home here... A family... Where love costs nothing and you mean everything.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2014 ⏰

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