Just This Once

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Chapter 1

It all started when Baekhyun had came home from a doctors appointment. He was about to enter his and Chanyeol's shared bedroom when he heard muffled speech from inside his room. Chanyeol was speaking to Kyungsoo.
"So how are you and Baek doing?" Baekhyun heard Kyungsoo say. Baekhyun was surprised that he could hear through the door. Maybe because his ear was pressed against the door.
Chanyeol sighed, "I don't know. Baek is cool and all but I'm getting a bit bored and sort of annoyed with hanging out with him all the time. It's always just me and him and he's so clingy. I'd rather hang out with Jongin or even Joonmyeon hyung! The only reason I stick around with him now is because of the fans and so he doesn't feel lonely," Chanyeol replied. Baekhyun felt his chest tighten. Chanyeol was tired of him. Tears threatened to fall from Baekhyun's eyes. He felt foolish and used. Baekhyun had even fell for the big oaf. He had fallen head over heels for him. Even worse, Baekhyun knew that he probably wouldn't be able to get over his unrequited love for Chanyeol either even if he had been straight up denied just now.
Baekhyun wiped a couple of tears off his face and turned around to go to hang out with Chen or Sehun. If he wasn't going to get over Chanyeol then he might as well try to forget about it for now. Baekhyun dragged himself to Chen's room and quietly knocked. "Jongdae, are you in there?" Baekhyun asked.
"Coming!" Jongdae called from inside the room. Baekhyun could hear faint noises of League of Legends in the room and Sehun cursing everything. Jongdae pulled the door open and he took one look at Baekhyun before he pulled him into a hug. Once Jongdae released him from his embrace, he called to still oblivious Sehun, "Pause the game for a second, 'kay?"
"Yeah sure. ― Hey, what happened to you, hyung?" Sehun asked, obviously puzzled seeing his friend so glum.
"Ch-Chanyeol said told Kyungsoo that he was tired and a-annoyed with hanging out with me. He said I was too clingy," Baekhyun sniffled.
"I'm sure he doesn't mean it, hyung," Sehun said weakly.
"Yeah right," Baekhyun snorted, "Can I just hang out with you guys for a while? You can go ahead and continue playing your game, I'll just be here." Jongdae nodded.

"Thanks," Baekhyun hugged both of them tightly.

It was nighttime and Baekhyun was ready to head back to his room. If Chanyeol didn't want to hang out with him then Baekhyun would respect his decision. Baekhyun opened the door silently to see Chanyeol reading comics on his bed, "Hi, Baek."
Baekhyun nodded then went to his drawer to get a pair of pajamas. Normally, Baekhyun didn't mind changing in front of Chanyeol seeing as they were best friends but now, Baekhyun now felt that it was awkward to do so. Baekhyun shut himself in the bathroom so he could change. Chanyeol looked up from his bed, slightly surprised that Baekhyun didn't just change in front of him. But he shrugged it off. *Maybe Baekhyun will finally start hanging out with others instead of just me* Chanyeol thought, cheerfully.
In less than 5 minutes, Baekhyun stepped out of the bathroom clad in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Without a word to Chanyeol, Baekhyun slipped into his bed with his back facing the latter.
"Goodnight, Baekkie," Chanyeol said. Baekhyun ignored him and shut his eyes in attempt to fall asleep quickly. Slightly concerned, Chanyeol said, "Is there something wrong, Baek?"
"No," Baekhyun replied flatly, still refusing to look at his former best friend.
"Are you sure? If there's anything you need, just tell me, okay?" Chanyeol reassured. *Yeah right* Baekhyun thought. The light was shut off and Baekhyun was dragged into a dreamless sleep.

"Baekhyun wake up!" Chanyeol started shaking his friend.
"We don't have schedules today," Baekhyun groaned.
"So what? Do you want to play video games with me today?" Chanyeol asked eagerly. *I thought you were tired and annoyed of me. Stop acting like you enjoy my presence* Baekhyun thought.
"No, I'm good. Just go play games with Jongin. I have things to do today," Baekhyun growled.
"Like what?"
"Things like, not playing video games," Baekhyun grumbled as he threw his blankets off and headed to the bathroom for a shower.
"Fine. Do you want to shower together?" Chanyeol asked.
"No," Baekhyun replied before heading into the bathroom and locking it so Chanyeol didn't try to sneak into the shower with him like he always did. Baekhyun turned the shower on and quickly stripped himself of clothing. Stepping into the hot shower, Baekhyun smiled. One thing that he loved about showering alone is that he could sing all he wanted. Nowadays, Baekhyun never got the chance to sing freely just because anymore. Every song he sang was because of his career. He never sang for no reason anymore and he missed it. Baekhyun thought of a song he could sing. And then it popped into his head, "Love song". It was the english song that he sang. Chanyeol played the guitar for him. Although Baekhyun was trying to remove all thoughts of Chanyeol, Baekhyun didn't care. Chanyeol or not, Baekhyun loved the song. Quickly finding the pitch, Baekhyun started to sing to his heart's content.
Outside of the bathroom, sitting on his bed, Chanyeol smiled. He could hear Baekhyun's beautiful voice flowing through the bathroom door, into his ears. It was true, Chanyeol was sort of annoyed at Baekhyun's clingyness and he was tired of always hanging around with Baekhyun but his friend's voice was very likeable and pleasant. Chanyeol loved the sound of Baekhyun singing and he could listen to it forever. Chanyeol knew it was selfish and conceited of him to like the voice but not the person but it was his opinion and he stood by it. Of course, he would never tell Baekhyun this because he knew it would break his friend's heart. Chanyeol even knew that it was a risk yesterday telling Kyungsoo his true feelings about Baekhyun but luckily, his friend didn't hear.
After 10 minutes, Baekhyun came out of the shower fully dressed in shorts and a Boy London t-shirt. He came into his and Chanyeol's bedroom still trying to dry his hair.
"I heard you singing, hyung. It sounded good," He heard Chanyeol say. The compliment touched his heart but he knew the words were fake so he brushed the feeling off.
"Thanks," Baekhyun replied half-heartedly.
"Do you want to hang out with me today?" Chanyeol asked.
"No, I'm busy," Baekhyun answered. He had nothing to do today but he certainly didn't want to force Chanyeol to do something he didn't want to do.
Without another word, Baekhyun left the room and went to the kitchen to get breakfast. Everybody except him and Chanyeol were seated at the table. Constant chatter and spoons hitting bowls were all that was heard.
Jongdae looked up at him, "Good morning Baek! Come sit by me and Sehun."
Baekhyun smiled and took a seat between the two of them. When Chanyeol finally entered the kitchen and he was planning to sit by Baekhyun like he usually did but Baekhyun decided to sit with someone else today. *How odd. Baek always insists on sitting with me* Chanyeol thought.
Without another word, Chanyeol took the only seat available; between Luhan and Yixing. Baekhyun had practically been ignoring Chanyeol since late yesterday and he thought the Baekhyun was probably just too tired to talk. But then, Chanyeol noticed that Baekhyun was chatting happily with everyone else but him. He didn't even spare him a glance. *There's no way that he heard what I said yesterday, right?* Chanyeol thought. Chanyeol decided that he would confront his friend on the matter later.
After breakfast, Chanyeol went up to Baekhyun, "Hey, can I talk to you for a sec, in private?"
"Yeah sure, whatever," Baekhyun replied with a bored expression on his face. Baekhyun followed Chanyeol into their shared bedroom.
"So uh, I sorta noticed that you've kinda been ignoring me since yesterday. Is something wrong?" Chanyeol asked.
"No not really,"
"Did you perhaps hear anything yesterday?" Chanyeol asked, implying his conversation with Kyungsoo the day before.
"And what if I did? I get that you're bored of me and I'm too annoying and clingy but now I'm distancing myself from you. So can't you just be happy and leave me alone? You hurt me enough but now you're just rubbing salt in the wound," Baekhyun spat.
"Listen Baek―,"
"Don't call me that," Baekhyun interrupted.
"Sorry, just hear me out for a second, Baekhyun. I didn't mean what I said yesterday," Chanyeol said softly to try to get Baekhyun to calm down.
"Then what did you mean?! Were you just lying yesterday? Stop trying to sugar-coat it. Just leave me alone," Baekhyun growled. Even though Chanyeol was the one at fault here, he couldn't help but feel a stinging in his heart at Baekhyun's harsh words. Without another word, Baekhyun left the room, "This talk is over. I don't need any more information from you. I hope you have fun hanging out with Jongin or Joonmyeon because I certainly won't be hanging around you anymore," Baekhyun sneered.
After Baekhyun left, Chanyeol started to cry. What had he just done? He single-handedly just ruined his friendship with Byun Baekhyun. As they say, 'You don't know what you've got till it's gone.'
Ever since pre-debut, Baekhyun and Chanyeol had been practically joined at the hip and Chanyeol took it for granted and this was the outcome. Chanyeol pulled out a piece of paper from the desk and started to write a letter of apology to Baekhyun. Baekhyun was always soft-hearted so Chanyeol hoped that his friend would forgive him by the end of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2014 ⏰

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