LUX: The Mr.ious Ms.tery

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°The Mr.ious Ms.tery

"Can you reach my hand?!!"



Walking at the alley of dead people near a snow caped mountain place, just right after the war between the PHINS and the OUSE.

The two family clans reigning the country for about 400 years.

I,the only survivor, cast a spell to eliminate the memories of each person involved in the killing spree of monstrous family.

And got this curse around my body.


"Mister, how did you get here in this place?" as weak as my voice are just like murmurs.

"Great question, because i have the guts to take you there."


"Can you reach my hand?!!"


"You are just a young victim of life's cruelty" whispered by a man..



OrangE TreE

LuX:The Mr.ious Ms.tery

LUX: The Mr.ious Ms.teryWhere stories live. Discover now