Sitting frozen in fear her mind try's to piece together the ungodly words that harshly tumble into out of his mouth
"W-what"?- Pure Anguish
In the moment his gaze fell upon her tear soaked porcelain skin, she understood her naive mistake
"I'm sorry"- An Excuse
Unable to bare her anguish filled pleads he escapes, leaving behind a shell of a girl to wither away on the cobble stone street below her.
"Why?"- A Extruding Sob
The days, weeks, months and years pass, soon enough the mere memory of that fateful evening is forgotten.
"How was work, dear?"- New Home
The days, weeks, months and years pass, where you might ask is the hollow girl? Gasping for breath on those very same cobble stone streets. Waiting, hoping, and dreaming for her love to return.
"But, I love him."- The Sad Truth
PoesíaThese are just some poems I have wrote and continue to write with many different topics including this important to me and anything really.