Part 1

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Morning classes were in session in class "2-K46" at Fukyouwaon All-Girls High School. The various girls did their own things while classes were in session. The studious amongst them listened in class, while the carefree among them fooled around in the back of the class. What they all had in common was the appreciation for their release from morning classes, lunch break.

The girls immediately shuffled their desks around when they heard the bell that signaled the start of lunch break. They formed their little groups and ate lunch amongst themselves. Chatter filled the classroom as chopsticks reached into bento boxes.

Harada Aoi ate her lunch peacefully with her longtime friend Koike Minami. They had known each other since the beginning of the first year of middle school. They enjoyed each other's company even though Aoi's childish tendencies could be annoying at times.

"Did you watch the latest episode of 'Pretty Cure' last night?" Aoi asked, about to stuff her mouth with rice.

Minami placed her bento box down on the table, "You're still watching that? Aoi, you're in high school now. That show is for children. You should really grow up a bit."

Aoi suddenly choked on some rice in response to Minami's criticism. She quickly grabbed her juice box and emptied it of its contents. She grasped for air as her windpipe was cleared of the obstruction.

Aoi was finally able to speak again, "What's wrong with that? I like it so who ca---" She was suddenly interrupted by the paper ball that suddenly hit her in the head.

The pair turned to look at the source of the paper ball. Watanabe Risa was sitting with her best friend Shida Manaka. Risa was laughing uncontrollably, while Manaka gave an awkward smile, unsure of what to do.

"Oi, JS! Go buy me a juice!" Risa hissed at Aoi from across the room.

The classroom went silent as Risa's voice traveled throughout the room. Everyone turned to stare at Risa and Aoi. They were used to seeing the cool girl picking on the childish girl. No one in the class dared to defy Risa. They just watched in pity as Aoi took the bullying.

"Oi! Risa! What do you---" Minami began to yell, but was suddenly pulled back by Aoi.

Aoi shook her head, "It's fine. I will go buy it." She then got up to leave.

"Aoi..." Minami's voice trailed off.

The students in the class got along nicely. Everyone was on good terms with each other. However, it became a completely different story when it came to Risa and Aoi.

The two of them were on very good terms with each other throughout all of middle school. They were even in the same circle of friends outside of school. Their interactions were always brief, but they did not need to say much to get along with each other.

Risa's behaviour towards Aoi changed at the start of high school, shocking everyone that knew them. It started off as just ignoring her, but it slowly escalated. Going from ordering Aoi around to minor incidents of physical violence. No one, not even Aoi herself, knew what happened to cause Risa's behaviour change.

"Risa... You've changed," Aoi whispered aloud as she felt her heart tighten.

Aoi reached the vending machines that were located on the floor below her classroom. She pulled out her wallet, fished for some coins, placed them into the machine, and pressed the button for juice. She grabbed the can of juice as it fell to the bottom of the machine. She then turned around and made her way back to the classroom.

Aoi could hear two girls talking outside of the classroom as she was about to turn the corner. It was Sugai Yuuka and Moriya Akane, the class representative and student council president. Aoi stayed hidden as she eavesdropped on their conversation.

"You know, Risa has changed a lot since we started high school," Akane said.

"Yeah... I feel bad for Aoi. The both of them had a good relationship throughout middle school. I thought there was something going on between them that they did not want to tell us," Yuuka suggested.

Akane protested, "No way! That's impossible! The two of them barely talked to each other. I doubt there was anything between them."

Yuuka shook her head, "Whether or not they had something going on between them or not is not important. We need to do something about Risa. We cannot let her bully Aoi any longer."

Akane let out a sigh, "I know that already. I have been trying to talk to Risa every day. She just won't listen. She's too stubborn and just tells me to mind my own business. I just don't know what to do anymore."

Yuuka looked at her watch, "Oh. Lunch break is almost over. Let us end it here for today."

The two girls then walked back into the classroom. Aoi remained behind the corner with a conflicted feeling in her chest. She was happy to hear that her classmates were trying to help, but she also knew that it was pointless. She let out a sigh and returned back to the classroom.

Aoi walked over to Risa and handed her the can of juice. Risa was about to say something, but the bell rang to signal the end of lunch break. Afternoon classes were going to start in a few minutes. The girls had gym class that afternoon, so everyone put away their lunches and made their way to the gymnasium.

Aoi waited for everyone to finish changing before entering the changeroom herself. She wanted to avoid as many confrontations with Risa as possible. She changed into her gym uniform in peace and made her way to the gymnasium.

The class began with basic stretches. Aoi paired up with Minami and they moved to a different area of the gymnasium to perform their stretches. Aoi could feel Risa glancing at her the whole time that she was stretching.

The gym teacher blew her whistle to call everyone to the centre of the gym. She announced that the class was going to play dodgeball and then she began to split the class into two teams. By some stroke of luck, Risa and Aoi were on opposite teams.

The two teams moved towards their respective sides of the gymnasium and the game began. Aoi's team was no match for the strength of Risa's team, but they were able to put up a good fight. In the end, only Risa and Aoi remained on the field.

The whole class remained silent as they watched the match in anticipation. Minami was especially concerned about her friend's opponent. Manaka was also concerned for Aoi's wellbeing as she knew that Risa was not going to hold back against the girl.

Aoi remained completely concentrated on Risa. She was fully aware of the difference in their strengths. She wanted to let herself be knocked out of the game, but her team depended on her to win the match for them. She also knew that Risa would not let it end that easily. The match entered into a stalemate where neither girl moved from where they were standing.

The clouds that were currently blocking the sun began to move. The sun's rays did not currently shine into the gymnasium. As the corner of the sun became visible from behind the moving clouds, a ray of light shone into the gymnasium. The light reflected off of the glass backboard of the basketball net and shone directly into Aoi's eyes, blinding her.

The next thing Aoi felt was a dodgeball hitting her directly in the side of the head. Risa took advantage of the situation and threw the ball with all of her might. Aoi fell to the ground as her vision started to darken.

"Aoi!" Minami was the first to react to the incident.

The teacher and class all ran towards Aoi who was lying unmoving on the gymnasium floor. Aoi could see flickers of people's faces, but she could not hear their concerned voices. She got a glimpse at Risa who did not react at all to the situation, but, instead, Risa stood still with a shocked expression on her face. Aoi only had one thought as she lost consciousness.

"Why do I love you?"

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