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Backstory: creation

Nothing. Something. It was an abrupt change. The universe was made. Microscopic to, well...there really is no way to measure. That's big, I know. Among the gasses and cosmos, dust soon formed rocks. Rocks to asteroids, asteroids to meteors. It was a chance that gasses, dust and rocks would form the very first elements. From this came the planets. And from Gaia's bosom, sprang life. Life was small, but constantly evolving. This brings us to the story of the planet of lore. When the planet was still young, an asteroid collided with it. However, this wasn't any asteroid. It had life on it. Something now known as a dragon or drake. They were already quite advanced. During the collision, an elder put himself between lore and the asteroid. He saved the planet. The many dragon eggs on the asteroid showered on lore. Many of them were already destroyed during impact. But there was a small bunch of them that were scattered across the continents that were once the elder. Also the elder had protected the mother of monsters. She was deep inside the asteroid. The impact shattered the asteroid and she awoke. She needed a place to restart. Not satisfied, she started creating. First the void, then the creatures of lore. Most we see even today. She created humans. In secret, she created chaos to balance it off. For what reason is still unknown. It was hidden within herself until a species advanced enough would be available. A species that would crave power. As you would guess, it was the humans. They were in an early stage of civilization. They knew war, greed, poverty. They could work with steel, weapons, and magic. But, there were some who understood that there was balance. This was the age of elementals. They were magical beings. The spirits of the elements. They were studied by mages and wizards and other magic folk. Among what the mother created, there was good and evil. These sides were warring since the first creature slapped another.(sorry, bad joke). This ongoing war had ultimately disgusted the elementals, and they went into a deep slumber. They hadn't been seen in many ages. It was then, that the mother, also disgusted, introduced chaos. She chose one called drakath. He was neither good nor evil. He was Instructed by the mother to bring the age of chaos if good and evil hadn't stopped warring. She was stubborn at the time when she created good and evil. She should have known that, because they were opposites, they would have been fighting, even if not originally doing anything to each other. And they kept on warring. The age of good and evil was soon over, though the sides were both still in existence. A new age was coming. The age of chaos.


There was a prophecy. That a hero would arise and stop the fighting. Most thought it was good and evil. But no, oh no. It was way more than that. Little did they know, that there was a much bigger battle than that. One that would ultimately decide the fate of lore. But that was unclear at the time. There was one who arose to the challenge. Their name, believe it or not, was Hero. This being, was not a normal hero. In fact, Hero was not a normal human. Hero was born with no original gender. Hero could permanently become a gender at each full moon. Hero can choose to keep a gender, if it knew when the full moon came. This is the story of that hero, as told from Hero, itself...er. Him? Her? It? To this day, I still don't get it. Anyways, this story begins (and probably will end) from the point of view of Hero.

Chapter 1

Many many years ago in a small farm just outside Battleon, in Greenguard (sorry for just throwing names. There'll be a section for that), there lived a middle aged couple. They were sad, as they could not have children. They also could no longer work the farm. They were getting too old. They also ran a small inn. Their neighbors helped when they could, but it wasn't enough. Besides, they too, had lives. One day, the husband was going to sell his best horse when a sneevil bandit attacked him. Just as the sneevil was about to stab him, a young child leaped out and tackled the sneevil. The child bit the sneevil's hand and it dropped its weapon. The sneevil scrambled away. The child picked up the weapon. It looked like an iron scimitar with a small emerald in the hilt on either side. The child grabbed the sheath that the sneevil dropped and put it on. The old man, with his jaw wide open, said "Thank you! Where did you learn to fight?" It wasn't until the child spoke that he realized that he seemed to be around nine, tired, dirty, scarred, and hungry. "I taught myself." The child said. The old man asked, "How old are you? Where are your parents?" The child said "I don't know, and I don't have any parents." Seeing an opportunity, the farmer ushered the child to the horse. "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up. I have food and an extra bed." The child smiled and jumped up and climbed the horse. On the way back to the farm, the man asked "May I ask your name? My name is Yulgar." The child said "My name is heyyou." "What kind of name is that?" said Yulgar. "I don't know. Everyone calls me that when I grab an ear of corn or take an egg. Then they start chasing me." said the child. "Well, I think you should have a real name. How bout... Hero." Yulgar said. "What is that?" The child said. "A hero is someone who does deeds to save or help others. And you saved my horse and I." said Yulgar. "Ok, it is great to have a new name. Thank you" Hero said. When they arrived at the house, Yulgar's wife, Mina, was confused when she saw that he came back with the horse AND a small child. After a look of confusion, then realization, Mina said "come inside hun." She ushered hero inside, but kept Yulgar on the porch. "Why did you bring this child? You were supposed to sell the horse!" yelled Mina. "This ‘child's’ name is Hero! This ‘child’ saved my life. The least we can do is give this ‘child’ food and shelter." said Yulgar. They glanced over at Hero, who was chasing a bee, hands flailing in the air, looking innocent and pure. "How could a child like that save your life?" said Mina. A moment later, almost as if trying to prove a point, Hero impaled the bee on the wall with a fork. "You think you can handle this? Raising hero as our child?" said Mina. "Yes, also, I thought one more set of hands could help maintain our farm. A YOUNG set of hands. And you've always wanted a child." Yulgar said. "Yes hun, that's right." Mina said. "Let's start dinner." Yulgar said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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