The Ancient Tale Of Urghast

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The Ancient Tale Of Urghast

"Ah, well that was a nightmare," said I.

"At least you didn't almost fall to your death," Dash replied.

"True, but you were the one rushing ahead, in the promise of loot," I refuted.

"Shut up," Dash immediately answered.

I moved along and up the tower, careful no to make a single mistake in footing, because if I did, a long fall to would befall me. I entered the next room half expecting to see more floating demons when something strange caught my eye.

"Do you see that Dash?" I questioned

"Oh yeah, but I don't get it, why so many fences?" he replied.

"Yeah, it's not making much sense, but whatever," I said.

I pulled out my magic axe, from which a golem I stole (alas a tale for another day.) I struck down a fence only to have something odd appear. A strange new substance took it's place. One that didn't look quite right, one from another world, a world of computers. Aha, that's what it reminded me of, an error. I thought something was wrong so I did the thing one would naturally do in a situation likes this, I tried breaking it. But this substance didn't break. It just stayed there every duplicating itself.

"Dash, what in the hell is going on?" I asked.

"I have no idea, the substance just won't break," he replied.

"Got any ideas on how to get through it?" I asked

"Yeah, give me one of those blue spheres," he answered confidently.

So as I was about to hand one to him I accidentally threw it. It flying into the mess of pillars and fences. He then proceeded to use the spheres magic powers of teleportation to appear next to me.

"Great, now were stuck in here," I moaned.

"Look, it's not that bad we'll find away out," he replied.

"You know what I bet this was your plan the whole time," I accused "You wanted to get us stuck in here so you could all cozy with me." "You know, if you wanted to you could have just asked." I teased.

"Shut up," was all he answered.

We broke the walls around us furiously until I found a solution to moving forward. If you broke the substance and ran forward fast enough you could move forward. I did this around the entirety of the maze, but with my efforts in vain I found no exit.

"God, we are finally out of that place," Dash heaved.

"Yeah, and no closer to getting higher in this place," I remarked.

"I don't know, if I want to go any higher,"Dash replied. "If those demons are any signal of what's to come, I don't want to see the end of this rainbow.

"Oh, come on where is your sense of adventure, we can kill this city monster and be heroes of it," I offered.

"Fine, I will continue but we need to figure out how to get out of here," Dash answered.

Even though we spent a lot of time trying to get through the maze, it was a beginner's trap, a waste of time. The real path was up and round the building. Once we hit the roof we were greeted with an onslaught of spiders.

"God there is so many of them, Dash I need your help,"

But when I turned, Dash had fled

"My god" I said.

I was alone, at the hands of hungry spiders. My partner was gone, and I was utterly screwed. I was backed in a corner with nowhere to go, but down. That's it just jump off the ledge and down to the next floor. I can shoot them from below. This was genius other then the fact that spiders can jump too. I ran and fell till I had almost reached the floor. Finally filling confident I turned around and slaughtered the spider horde. But in all the turmoil I had made my way back to the beginning. To due the recent regressing of my progress, it is like I had began anew. After a long trek to my previous position, I was ready to resume my journey until I found Dash down here

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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