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Ok, so. Last night I had a crazy dream. It started with someone laying under the ridge of the window in a square room full of people and then all the sudden a mechine gun just goes around and shoots everyone. The important thing in this is that everyone dies because they were standing so the girl laying down lived. She stands and sneaks out the shoot through window and head to like the docks?

When she gets to the docks it turns first person view now and its all stormy and stuff. Looking out on the water there are ships and there shotting at eachother and you can tell its like a war or something. Some how I got on the boat and I'm like,

"Hey yo dudes, I can help." and they are like

"Yo, what can you do to help us?" So I suddenly think really hard and I turn into a dog.... A GOD DAMN DOG!!!! Ok so I don't remember much but it transitioned again.

So now it's a school I dont know if it's still on the boat but its a big school. So i'm going to spanish class when I get a class change and I have to go to this new class that I don't know what it is and it was like a study hall. So I get in they are chilling in the middle and talking so I find my freind... Jack and he's a chubby dude (keep in mind for latter) and I sit by him and then I get up and walk to the back door while saying,

"I don't know why I was put in this class." So I go to the tiny back hallway and all the people in my old spanish class enter so I say, "wats up everyone" and they say it back.

"wats up Bri." Because for some reason everyone liked me and I had freinds.... So they all combine to a class together. So me and Jack and Ahri and Bill go sit at a table with couches and I sit on the side with Jack so im like leaning on his arm but I don't know why. Then I see people making fun of me so I stop. Then out of no where Ahri and Bill are like a couple and it's weird. Mainly cause my friend Bill is the most weird, nerdy, dirty minded human ever that also works on a farm. Ahri is small, gental and very kind. Anyway they get together and then I hear that the teacher got fired from doing not good things, sexual assalt.

and then my dad woke me up in sorry hope you enjoy my wierd dream from febuary 1st.

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