The Lost Generation

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My name is Samara. I am 13, and I have a gift. I'm a Dreamer. I've always felt the need to fly away. I'm sure there are other Dreamers who have seen the past and future like me. My generation are the the last generation of the 24's millennium...I think.

We are known as, The Last Generation. The Government considers us very dangerous. The Last Generation of a millennium always has an exceeding amount of Dreamers; and Dreamers are very dangerous. Dreamers can either see the past or future. I see the past, which is not pretty. But unlike most Dreamers, I also see the future, which is even uglier.

Us, the Last Generation caught only a little bit of what the 2500's felt like. We caught the TV shows just as they became discontinued. We caught the fashions just as they left. We played with toys right before they became non-existent. We became part of the next generation.

The generation after ours, The Perfect Generation, as the Government plans to call it... is a world with beauty, a good society--or so they addvertise. But my generation can't match those standards of being tall, skinny, and perfect. We are expected to be beautiful forever. Our whole lives we have grown up around new treatments to make people look a certain way, new makeup to make one pretty, fashions to make you liked.

We have started a revolution. My generation, the generation caught between Perfects and Misfits. We are society, and it's time to change the future Generation. Because my generaton, the Last Generation has now become the Lost Generation.

(With thanks to Miss Literati's ThePurpleJacket:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2012 ⏰

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