11 || Numero Uno

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Y/n needed to replay those words Bumblebee had just said through his radio. Are her parents really dead? They can't be. It can't be true. She had to ask questions before she could let out a million tears at once. Her head perks up to the blue optics sitting inside a yellow head.

"No, no. Bee, they are not...dead. I saw them this morning." She swallowed the lump in her throat. Bee whirred his little electronic sounds and kneeled on one large knee.

"I wish it was-- a lie." The voice on the radio whispers. The Autobot needed to look away for a few seconds because it hurt him to see someone so innocent-- at least a little... Become so upset in a snap. It all sunk in after a few more seconds, Y/n isn't in denial anymore. She believes she's an orphan now and has nowhere else to go except stay here in the junkyard. The tears finally fell to the dusty ground.

Cade overheard the conversation between the robot and human in the front of the junkyard home. He was walking to his robotic friend after dealing with a kissing cruiser. The oldest human male wasn't sure if he heard Bee right.

"What's that, Bee?" Cade asked looking up at the yellow bot. "Did you say her parents are dead?" His hand gestured to the girl as he glanced at her quickly, she still carried heavy tears in her eyes.

Bumblebee nodded once, his eyes not showing a sign of happiness because he felt sympathetic. He lifts his head up a few inches to say a serious step as a great fighter and friend of the leader of the Autobots. "I wish to watch over her as her guardian."

Y/n is so focused on her dead family that she doesn't hear what Bee says. She can't get the different scenarios out of her head on how they could have died. Did they suffer? Were they asleep? Saying I love you for the last time? Nothing can stop her anxiety at the moment.

Yeager placed his hands on his hips and looked at the dirt ground. His eyes shift to the young girl in a fetal position, hugging her knees and wiping loads of tears away. Cade has a daughter of his own and understands she lost her mother at a young age. Y/n lost both her parents and deserves to keep a family instead of growing up with one. If Bee says he'll watch over her, then he will.

The man in filthy clothes and a dark duck-billed hat agreed to Bumblebee. "Do what you have to, Bee."

"Thank you." Replied Bee, switching the radio stations.

Crosshairs comes up behind the golden hero and see he'll be taking a big step. "So you're takin' care of the human?"

Bee nods. Y/n heard that and accepted it right away yet she needed to get used to the fact that she would never see the ones who raised her again. She felt so broken in a matter of seconds. She knew her life with her parents in it, but now she had to adjust to life without them. It'll be hard to do.

Bumblebee did what he thought was necessary to comfort his human friend. He lowered one of his servos to lightly touch the hot, soft red cheeks of Y/n. She didn't flinch or get annoyed by his presence. All she needed was a friend and someone new to be her protector, friend, brother, and possibly someone to love. Y/n pressed her swollen face to his digits and rested in that position until an old engine sounded in her ears.

"Daytrader is here!" Hound literally hounded as he crossed his bulky arms. "Here comes the most irritating, annoying Transformer on Earth."

Y/n listens to the other transformers swap sentences and hear out the shifting, clanks, and clicks coming from Daytrader. In the garage, Jimmy, Wheelie (ex-Decepticon), and Cade are fighting over how Trader got past the gate. After that, Trader is fired at with dull booms before he can even park on the property. Hound and Crosshairs figured they could torture the poor fellow for a while.

Daytrader was like a homeless person, always carrying a lot of stuff on his back. It was only he who exchanged old, precious items for new additions to his collection. Both his artificial beard and demeanor are shockingly accurate.

At Hound's bombs, the scruffy-looking hillbilly robot let out a cry. "Oh, God! You always resort to violence right off the bat." He said as dust kicked behind him.

"I love violence." Said the chunkier Autobot.

Cade called out to the walking building covered in heavy loads of debris."Daytrader! The hell you doing here?"

Y/n realized that she was going to need to know who was who around here if she was going to continue her life with the Autobots and Cade. She raises her head to Bee. "Wh-Who is he?"

Bee softly stared at her eyes. "A ridiculous hobo who hoards junk." He chirps. Y/n smirks and still listens to the fat hobo-looking giant show off his toys.

"Look what I found in Buffalo." Daytrader pulled out a familiar head and set it next to Cade. It for sure was Starscream! He was Meagtron's partner during the battle of Chicago. "Starscream's head, ladies, and gentlemen. And I got a new voice box for Bee."

Bumblebee's head went up right away. He loved the sound of a new voice box coming in the delivery. For many years, he's been wanting to get his voice back since that is very precious to him.

"Does it work this time?" Cade asked Daytrader as he examined the device in his hands.

"I only got the good stuff, Yeager. Come on." Trader said.

Cade smiled and had high hopes for Bumblebee. The yellow Autobot put on a boogie when Cade asked if he was ready to talk again. Bee turned up the volume on his radio. "Can't touch this! Too hype, can't touch this!"

Y/n discovered she began to laugh at Bee's sense of humor and soon produced a little breath. She trailed the bot to the conversation between Cade and Daytrader and the other Transformers. The talisman in her pocket had slipped her mind.

Y/n is still jumpy from being surrounded by walking cars that claimed their own faces and sparks. She stepped up on a platform to get a closer look at these guys and suddenly heard a hard piece of metal his the ground. Her eyes caught the old-looking object. "Oh, I forgot that was in my pocket." She said.

Daytrader is interested right away in this ancient valuable. "A Knight of Lacon talisman in this dump? It's not real. Is it? No, definitely not." He looks away. "Hey, give it to me. I'll take it off your hands."

Y/n retrieved it into her hand and Cade let words out into the air. "You think we don't know what this is? How valuable? But I know this talisman is something because it's got you licking your chops, you piece of scrap metal."

"Words hurt, Cade... But there are exactly seven. Count them. Seven signs of the apocalypse. That talisman showing up here is numero uno. That fancy pancake was real. I would grab the spaceship and blow this dirtball planet."

Y/n clutched it close to her chest. She felt she had some sort of connection with this alien-like thing.

Daytrader stopped talking about the talisman and went off about what was next on his to-do list. "Okay! I'm gonna go slather myself in oil..."

The girl with the talisman had a stream of sweat running down her forehead and her chest heaving. She brushes it aside and turns to face her new protector. He joyfully shields his new, priceless gem from the sun.   

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