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       Celci danced around her room child like wonder gleaming in her eyes the idea of magic aways intrigued her and whenever she watched anything involving it she would feel like she was on top of the world!

       Sure she was usually wearing a sweater due to the faint feel of cold on her all the time but she never let it get her down she would get back up and beam with the energy flowing through her!

       She flopped onto her bed with her back against the messy covers as she grabbed her favorite stuffed animal a cat she named Luna and held it up to her face.

       "Luna isn't magic wonderful!" She said to the doll with innocence in her voice.

       "It makes me feel like I am not the only person with a werid problem and it feels like they all get how I feel oh it fills me up with so much hope!" She said as she throw Luna up into the air.

       Then she heard the sound of a man getting hit on the head with a newspaper like in the cartoons she watched that had nothing to do with magic.

       Her mom and dad were arguing again. It aways made her feel worried when they fought she aways got scared. It made her feel like the love in the family just shattered everywhere once they started to fight.

       "Why do you never make a effort to help with Celci!" Her mother yelled.

       "Because she's dead to me her problem is going to kill her sooner or later! She's seven and the doctors have been trying to treat her problem since birth there is no way she is ever recovering!" Her dad yelled back.

       "Harold don't say that! You know that they are trying their hardest!"

       "Quite frankly I don't think she will ever get to adulthood she will probably freeze to death before she even gets to the ninth grade!"

       "Why can you never support our daughter?"

       "What do you mean "our" daughter I wanted a abortion but no you just wanted to have a child our marriage was just fine without her!"

       "Harold you need to help her I know that deep down in your devoid heart that you love her!"

       "You know what I am done with your bull you can barely support the family with the money you make at your job because of how much you waste on her I end up taking the work get the cash than you just use it on her again! I want a divorce!"

       Celci's mom stopped as soon as the words mutterd out she was shocked she couldn't belive it.

       "You know what fine have it your way at least she would be getting more love than you ever gave her!" She yelled.

       Celci froze on her bed for a few seconds. She started to cry as she got up and turned on her Telvison. She needed some magic to be hopeful at that moment.

2 Years Later

       Celci sat down on the cold hard cement of the allay way. Her torn rags of a dress hugging her body. She played a song she heard on the radio on a garbage can lid. After her mom couldn't keep up with all the things she had to pay for and they got kicked out of their home and forced to live on the streets she thought that she would never be joyful again.

       Yet playing music on a garbage can lid aways made her smile it was like all her worries just flew away and all that their was the music that she tried to play that filled the alley.

       Her mother than came down the alley but this time she had nothing unlike other times were she at least she had a little bit of food whether is was from a dumpster or not.

       "Celci I have something to tell you..." she said with a frown on her face.

       "What is it?" Celci said with a small smile on her face.

       "I managed to find a place that will take you and take care of you and give you a better life like the one you had before."

       Celci frowned. "What are you saying?" She said with a small bit of hope in her voice.

       "I am putting you up for adoption." Her mother said with tears forming in her eyes.

       Celci started to tear up. "N-No I don't want to be up for adoption."

       "It's what's best for you." Her mother sad putting her hand out into front Celci.

       "Come on we can walk to the orphanage together." She said.

       Celci put her hand in her mother's before she got up.

       They both walked silently to the orphanage and not one word was said the way there.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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