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You're different than everyone in more ways than one, but you're also the same as everyone else. Human. Alive. In debt. Naive. Careless. Normal. 

You hear about myths and legends about Greek and Roman royalty, but you've never heard of his species, in fact you couldn't of as there are only two of them in the world, because they were hunted and everyone who knew about them were and it doesn't have a name.

But for now, they are known only by their trademark of their unique crystal Aquamarine irises and pale complexion.

They were like angels, born on Earth. Unique, but also so hard to see in a crowd. They fit in but the way to tell them apart from the crowd. Their eyes glow in the dark.


She was different from everyone around her, special even. Not in the daddy loves you special kind of way or the I'm different because I'm foreign kind of way. But special. She met an angel as she described him. He stuck to the shadows and whenever he comes around she never sees his face for he hides it. He is special the same way she is. These creatures don't have a name, nor do anyone in their generation know they exist in fear that they would be hunted. She was falling for a man she has known for years but hasn't seen the face of.

In every way shape or form she doubts that she's actually as special as he makes her out to be. Feigning that every time she did something out of the ordinary that it was her being delusional, that it wasn't real.


"Am I an illusion?" The boy questioned having still not revealed himself to me. "Is it that you're just so scared of being special, of being you that you doubt your very existence?"

"If I fit in I'm just another person to go unnoticed. But if I stick out I'm an outcast," I whisper to the figure in front of me.

The figure disappeared from my sight only to appear behind me, close enough to feel their body heat on my own.

It, or more precisely he, growled at my words, calming before speaking, "not an outcast, just... unique."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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