The start of something new? (justin Bieber love story)

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so I know that you all think this is another story were boy meets girl and they  fall in love because if you do this story is  not for you. This is a story about a girl and a boy who have know each other since the day they were born and could not stand each other and it all started with one kiss that would change there lives forever.

10years old(nya)

Tonight is the  sixth grade dance and I am freaking out I know your wondering how a 10 year old is going to a six grade dance well apparently I very smart for my age so they bumpted me up two grades with the eleven and twelve year olds. Its kind of scary because  I feel like iam not wanted like  am the little annoying kid  no won what to be around. when there hanging out with there friends or there boyfriend's  and that not even the worst part I am suck in a  class with the one and only justin Bieber. I know all you girls are probably jumping for joy but me I am screaming for help you see justin is just a jerk .when I first met him he was nice an all but  then he played me just like every dum nieve girl looking for attention.


(first day of six grade)

I was sitting on the swings at recess trying to not seem all lonely when a boy with brown hair and cute brown eyes came up to me.


Hi am justin bieber I know your new here and that you have no friends and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school.

me Bing lonely I throught why not


Sure but I have to ask my mom first by the way my name is nya smith

was this the start of something new and fun  well I just have to find out


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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