LAD & ALS Adventures

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Day One

Alexandra Sloan sat down on the couch near her Aunt Becky along with a couple other women to wait for Quinn Davidson to stroll out of the dressing room with her first choice of a dress. She wasn't a patient woman so she was hoping her soon-to-be step-mother would hurry along.

"Sweetie be patient" Aunt Becky told her as she picked up on her starting to tap her foot.

"I know, i know. Patience is a virtue" She responded and forced her leg to stop.

"That's right. I'm sure Quinn will be out soon enough"

As if on cue, Quinn Davidson appeared at the door frame of the dressing room. She grabbed some of the fabric of the dress in her hand and strolled out to the audience. She smiled while stepping up to the mirrors.

"Okay ladies, what do you think of the dress?" She faced them and expectantly waited.

"I do like the color Quinn but that's a lot of ruffles" Aunt Becky answered.

"I agree with Becky on the color but I like the ruffles honey" Mrs.Davidson; Quinn's mother answered.

"Quinny I don't like any of it but if you like it that's what counts" Evelyn Devereaux; Quinn's sister declared.

"Alright thanks girls, and you Alex?"

Alexandra looked over the dress a little more and peered at her hopeful eyes.

"I'm not into the color, the ruffles are a little much at the bottom but the detail on top and the train are lovely" She replied and shrugged.

"Thank you" Quinn turned back around and looked herself over into the mirror. "On to dress number two" she informed the silent dress store consultant.

"Alright I'm ready when you are Ms. Davidson" She perkily told her.

Alexandra watched along with the other ladies as she busseled away to change into the next dress. She would have tried a dress herself but that's bad luck to do if you aren't even engaged yet.

"That was such a nice way of saying those ruffles were ugly" Her Aunt whispered to her so that the other two ladies didn't hear.

"I was being honest and you didn't really say ugly either Aunt Becky"

"Yes well I do like Quinn more than the other women your father has been with since your dear mother passed away so I tried"

"I do too" she agreed and sat back to try and patiently wait.

"Dude you seriously leaving me here with all of this renovation this week?" Angel Stevens asked his Best Friend and Business partner as he watched him get his things together.

"Yeah Man. My Auntie Quinn is getting married this week and I'm her MOH" Lucien Davidson answered as he zipped his bag up.

"Her what? What the hell is a MOH?"

"It's usually Maid of Honor but since I'm a man it's Man of Honor" he stuck his keys in his pocket.

"What in the hell... Okay Luce" he shook his head. "I get why you are doing it and I like your aunt as much as the next person but this week is hectic" he complained.

"I know that but you know my Aunt Quinn was like a second mother to me and she really wants me to do this. I will help through the phone and FaceTime as much as I can amigo"

"Yeah alright" his best friend then sighed. "Do you atleast know what the broad looks like that you will be partnered up with at the wedding?"

"Nah I haven't met her yet nor saw a picture of her"

"What? It's the 2010s and you ain't saw her picture?" he received a head shake from Lucien. "She must have a Facebook. What's her name?" He grabbed his tablet from his desk.

" Alexandra Sloan" he offered.

He atleast knew that much. He hadn't thought of more because he wasn't thinking about other people just his Aunt.

"She must use a different name. No Alexandra Sloan's"

Lucien eyed his watch to see the time and noticed he was running a tad late.

"I got to go man. As I said you can contact me, atleast with a text during the day of the wedding. I will be available. You going to be okay taking care of things without me right next to you?"

"Fuck you Luce! You act like I need you holding my hand or some shit" Angel gave him a look.

"Well I mean... " Lucien smirked at the finger directed at him. "Later Tape"

The two came together and did their handshake, gave their dude hug and Lucien took off to head to Kentucky for his favorite Aunt's wedding. He didn't know anything about the girl he had to pair with except she was decent to his aunt and her name, hopefully she was with him as well.

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