Love Oh So Complicated

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Love Oh So Complicated// Chapter 1

"Attention all passengers, the flight to New York City will be landing shortly! Please fasten your seat-belts and take your seats" the flight intendant instructed. I sighed and placed my book on my lap while I fastened my seat-belt. Coming all the way from a little town in Wisconsin to The big apple. It was a change. A very big change. If only my mother was still alive to see me growing up. Just kidding! I'm not growing up I'm getting forced into this! To live with my auntie across the world, leave all of my friends. Yes my mother did pass and I do truly miss her but I'm 17 years old for Christ sake! I'm old enough to take care of myself! Before my mother died she did write a Will. She only gave me half of her life savings, and some of her belongings. I do have them packed with me but I just wish she trusted me more. She wrote than when she passed I would have to go live with my Auntie Clarise who lives all the way in Manhattan which I'm sure is in NY but I wasn't always great in the subject geography.

"Attention all passengers we just landed, please gather your belongings and have a good day!" The flight attendant smiled. I grabbed my bag, and made sure to grab my book I unbuckled and exited off of the plane. I groaned as there were already a bunch of people at baggage claim. I trotted my way over to that area. where I awaited to grab my blue and black duffle bag along side my mini hard cover pizza suitcase. When I saw both of my luggage making their way towards me, I pulled them off of the spinning thing and placed my book in my bag. Taking out my cellphone and sending a text to Clarise saying I arrived and I have my luggage and I'm ready to get picked up. Clarise decided to phone me.

My phone vibrated and I answered.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hello Sariah! I couldn't make it sadly. But I did send my step-son Joshua to go and pick you up, almost 30 minutes ago he should be there soon!"

"Oh okay" I sighed hanging up the phone. I threw my phone back into my bag and grabbed my luggage heading out to the arrival area. I took a seat on the bench and brought my luggage to my sides. I sighed as I heard my name getting yelled "Sariah where are you?" I looked around to see who was calling my name. I spotted a boy, about my age calling my name "I'm right here" I yelled and the tall slim figure trotted my way "hurry up and get in the car, I'm Joshua" he muttered grabbing my bags and walking over to his 1987 Camaro, throwing my bags in the back and hopping into the car. I sketchily got into the vehicle and buckled up, I looked to my left and stared at Joshua, I wouldn't say it was staring... I was examining his facial features, he had a very chiseled jaw line, his jaw seemed like it was always clenched but then again I did only know him for a few minutes, I examined his lips, his big pink luscious plump lips, I examined the way he licked his lips as he turned the engine to life. I examined his eyebrows, they weren't bushy but they weren't thin either they were... Perfect. He bit his lip as he jerked the car to a hault. "Why are you staring at me?" He questioned giving me a confused look, while taking a cigarette out of the pack and lighting it rolling the window down a little bit, he inhaled a drag of the smoke and held it in for a little while. He then exhaled and his lips looked so perfect. So perfect and luscious. Almost enough for me to lean over and kiss him. "Stop staring at me it's creepy!" He whined taking another drag. "I'm not staring Joshua I'm examining" I stated "whatever your doing is fucking creepy" he cussed and blew out smoke. "It'll take a while to get there so sleep or something" he mentioned. I nodded. Oh boy I thought... This... This was gunna be .... A very long car ride.

We turned a left and I tried my hardest not to get to jittery. I didn't want to creep out Joshua by staring at him the whole car ride! No Sariah wasn't that creepy! Sariah will just have to keep her cool. Why was Sariah talking about herself as a third person? Because Sariah is a weirdo. Okay. I was a weirdo. And since today was Sunday. We had school tomorrow. What's worse than school? Private school! Full of snobby rich kids. Oh lord how I needed a drink, I was dying for just a little bit of alcohol on my taste buds. I needed to feel the vodka swooshing down my throat. Joshua snapped me out of my thoughts "Hello?! Sariah earth to you!" He practically yelled

"What?!" I spat

He laughed

"We're here" he chuckled

"Already?" I mumbled

"No we have almost an hour left" he chuckled again

"Fuck you asshole you made me loose my train of thought" I cussed

"Oh s-sorry" he stuttered while turning right into a deadly huge traffic jam "fuck" he cursed

I groaned this was going to be... Interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2014 ⏰

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