How You Meet

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John Shaw
(Dean Ambrose)

You were inside the bank standing in the queue when suddenly robbers came in, shot up at the ceiling and everybody got down on the ground as the manager set off a silent alarm to the police.

Robber-''Everybody stay down!!''

You were terrified with what was happening but then everyone heard police sirens outside the bank. Detective John Shaw was outside with other officers as SWAT arrived. After a plan was made, SWAT broke down the bank doors and surrounded the robbers as Shaw and the other officers came in and everything was under control. Officers handcuffed the robbers one by one but then one of them took out a hidden knife, grabbed you and held you up in front of him so the officers couldn't shoot.

Shaw-''Let her go and drop the weapon!''

Robber-''No! You drop your weapons and let me and my guys go!''

Shaw looked at you and he knew it was a big risk but he did have a small opening just above your right shoulder.


You looked at Shaw.

Shaw-''It's gonna be ok.''

You started to calm down because Shaw's voice sounded reasurring to you and you nodded to him. Then as the robber continued to yell, a single gunshot went off! Everything felt like it was in slow motion as you felt the robber let you go and he fell to the floor behind you.

Shaw-''Ma'am, come here!''

You ran over to Shaw and he moved you behind him in case the robber was still alive as the offices rushed over to him.

Officer-''He's dead.''

You started crying. Then Shaw turned around and wrapped his arms around you as you were shaking. After about 20 minutes, Shaw walked up and sat down next to you in the back of the ambulance van.

Shaw-''You alright, ma'am?''

You-''I'm still a bit shaken but I'm alive thanks to you.''

You said smiling making Shaw smile.

You-''Thank you for saving me.''

Shaw-''Its part of my job but you're welcome.''

You reached out your hand to him.

You-''I'm Y/N.''

Shaw-''Detective John Shaw.''

You two shook hands and smiled at each other.

Nick Malloy
(Randy Orton)

You were at the hospital visiting your sister who was recovering from a successful surgery. You left your sister's room when visiting hours were over. You were on your way out and walked around the corner when paramedics rushed by with a patient. You stumbled back and fell because it caught you off guard. You were about to get up when you saw a hand reach down to you. You looked up and saw one of the paramedics smiling down at you and his name tag had the name Malloy.

Malloy-''Are you alright, ma'am?''

You take his hand and he helps you up to your feet.

You-''I'm fine. I know hospitals can get chaotic.''

Malloy-''Yeah, it's chaotic out in the field too.''

You-''I think the whole world can get chaotic.''

Malloy-''True. I'm Nick.''

You-''I'm Y/N.''

You and Nick shook hands and smiled at each other.

Nick-''Well, I have to go. But I hope to see you again.''

You-''I hope so too. Now go save that chaotic world, Mr. Malloy.''

Nick-''I'll do my best.''

You both smiled and Nick left with the other paramedics.

Jake Carter
(The Miz)

You were working your shift at the bar while chatting to your friend Amanda who was telling you once again about her brother who is a marine.

You-''You know, I'm starting to wonder why you keep telling me about your brother so much lately.''

Amanda-''I haven't been talking about him a lot.''

You-''Yes, you have. I haven't met him because he isn't even in the country and you keep talking about him. Is there something you're not telling me, Amanda?''

Then you hear the bar door open and Amanda looks over and smiles at the man who walked in making you look over.


Amanda rans over, gives Jake a huge hug and you realise that it was her brother, the marine.

Jake-''Hey, little sister. Are you staying out of trouble?''

Amanda-''Oh, come on. I'm not always in trouble.''

Jake-''Ok. Then tell me why are you at the bar in the middle of the day.''

Amanda-''There's someone I'd love for you to meet.''

Amanda took Jake's hand, walked with him to the bar and they sat down as you smiled at them.

Amanda-''Jake, this is Y/N.''



You and Jake smile and shook hands.

Amanda-''Well, I have to go.''

Amanda got up from her seat.

Amanda-''Bye guys!''

Amanda left the bar.

You-''So, this was her plan all along.''

Jake-''It would seem so. But for once I'm not complaining about what my little sister is up to.''

You-''Me too.''

You and Jake smiled at each other and continued to talk.

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