6. When Heros fall: Rick's Final Call

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Jake woke up that Monday morning and rolled out of bed. He wasn't looking forward to the day ahead. He hadn't slept very well last night; all he dreamed about was Rick's death, and he could still remember it clearly.

*The Fatal Call*

"Hey Jakey Boy, Molly and I are having a BBQ Wednesday, if you and Lexa would like to come," Rick said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, we will be there. I'm sure Lexa misses Rosie," Jake replied, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Rosie misses her. I'll let Molly know you're coming. A few of the guys and their families will be there too, so the girls will have tons of kids to play with," Rick said as he took a seat next to Jake.

"Sounds great. I miss Molly's cooking. She is the one cooking and not you, right? I don't want to get food poisoning again," Jake joked, laughing.

"Oh shut up! I can't help it if that meat was bad, and yes, Molly is cooking," Rick said, chuckling along with him.

"I was sick with food poisoning for a week," Jake continued, still laughing.

"You are such a crybaby; the food wasn't that bad," Rick replied, shaking his head.

"It was horrible, Rick! You can't cook for shit. Hell, I'm shocked you knew how to make a bottle," Jake teased.

"Ha-ha, very funny. Molly doesn't complain when I cook for her," Rick shot back, a grin on his face.

"That's probably because she doesn't know it's takeout," Jake joked, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Same thing. I just didn't cook it; someone else did. She never knows it either," Rick replied as he adjusted his helmet, a playful glint in his eyes.

"I'm pretty sure she does, man. She's not stupid," Jake laughed, shaking his head at his friend's confidence.

The two firefighters bantered back and forth, their laughter cutting through the tension of the morning air as they prepared for the call. But as the alarm blared, signaling their next mission, the light-heartedness quickly shifted into focus.

"You ready?" Rick asked, sliding into the driver's seat of the fire truck, the engine rumbling to life beneath them.

"Yeah, let's roll. First ones in and last ones out," Jake replied, fist-bumping Rick before they sped off.

"Always, Brother. First in, last out," Rick echoed, determination etched on his face as they raced toward the scene of the fire.

When they arrived, the sight was daunting. Flames licked at the sides of the building, smoke billowing into the sky. Luke, their Chief was shouting orders, directing the crew as they prepared to fight the blaze.

"Listen up! We might have people inside, including two kids. Jake, Rick, I need you two to head in through the front and check the upper floors. Stay sharp!" Luke commanded, urgency in his voice.

Before Jake could fully process the orders, Rick sprinted toward the building, adrenaline coursing through him. "Rick, wait!" Jake shouted, his heart racing as he chased after him.

"Keep up!" Rick called back, his determination unwavering as he burst through the door, the heat washing over them like a wave.

Jake followed closely, the oppressive heat and smoke making it difficult to breathe. "Stay together!" he yelled, forcing himself to keep pace with Rick. They navigated through the chaotic scene, the roar of the fire drowning out everything else.

"RICK!" Jake shouted as they ascended the first flight of stairs, the structure creaking ominously underfoot. He could hear the crackle of flames nearby, the air thick with smoke.

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