Winter Break

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Lexi, come on! I want to get to the cabin before nightfall! The guys are waiting!" Sarah shouted from our apartment living room.

"Just one more thing I need to pack!"

Shoving my warm fuzzy sweater into my suitcase I sit on it to squeeze it shut. I take one last look in the mirror and brush my fingers through my dark brown hair. Today was the start of our winter trip, Sarah and I are roommates and she has been my best friend since junior high. Today we are going with Sarah, her boyfriend Troy, and his friend Luke. We are going to Utah to stay at a cabin in the mountains. There is a lot of skiing and snowboarding there. Getting lost in thought I hear the doorbell ring and I grab my suitcase.

"Where's Lexi?" Luke asks. "Oh keep your pants on bro, she's coming." Troy laughs as he kisses Sarah.

I walk out if my room and see him, Luke is pretty cute he has a muscular build and brown hair, I have liked him for a while but our friendship is weird he sends mixed vibes.

"Hey guys!" I run over and hug Troy then Luke and he looks so cute with his knit hat on and his black puffy jacket. He smiles at me and then he grabs my suitcase. "Can I take your suitcase ma'am?"

I laugh, "You may kind sir".

We load all the luggage into Troy's Sudan and I squeeze into the backseat. Luke piles in next to me and Troy and Sarah get in the front.

"So Lexi... are you seeing anybody right now, if not I have someone in mind for you," Troy wiggles his eyebrows and Sarah elbows him.

"Ouch! It was a joke!" He laughs and I wiggle in my seat a little looking over at Luke he seems to be lost in thought looking out the window. I pull my jacket closer and lay my head against the window.

I hear Luke shift in his seat next to me, "You ok Lex?" He looks at me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

"Yeah I'm ok; I was so excited for this trip I barely slept last night." I smile and Sarah looks back at us.

"I didn't sleep much either, all I could think about was us all hanging out and hitting the slopes." Luke said grinning.

"That's not all he plans to hit this weekend...maybe a girl or two??" Troy laughs. Luke leans forward and slaps his arm, "dude why you so obsessed with me at getting a girl, I've had plenty of women in my time." He winks at me and we all laugh.

"A few more hours and we will be there guys..." Troy says.

I lean my head against the window and close my eyes, and then there is nothing but darkness.

A sudden jolt wakes me up I open my eyes and hear the screams of all my friends and I think myself...a massive pain hits my stomach and I see nothing.

"Wake up!" I feel a hand pushing down on my stomach, I feel stuck, trapped... I slowly open my eyes and see a really sexy face, and he's shirtless in the snow?

I cough and attempt to sit up. "Ah, shit what the hell happened?" "Who are you?"

He is still applying pressure to my stomach, "Try not to move, you're losing a lot of blood, you were in an accident Truck hit you and you guys went off the mountain. A branch went through the car and into your stomach; I pulled it out but..." Tears well in his eyes.

"Where are my friends?" I wheeze.

He looks over my head and I make myself sit up. I see the car, or what's left of it... and the blood and my friends...

"No!! No!!" I start sobbing, all of them are gone.

I feel the man wrap a piece of cloth around my stomach, must have been from his shirt he wore. I look down and see the blood seeping through.

I continue to cry, "Am I going to die?" and he says, "No I will not let that happen." My name is Grayson, I live not too far from here, and you will be safe there." He stares at me intensely, I feel like I have a connection with him .I feel safe." I... I'm Lexi."He smiles.

I attempt to get up and wobble my stomach is on fire with pain. I fall against his chest and he picks me up in his arms. "Thank you."

" Lexi," his deep tone is so sexy... "Stay with me listen to my voice, ok? It is very important you don't fall asleep." He starts to run with me and the trees and snow zip by, I must be hallucinating...

We get to this small cabin and he lays me on a couch, he grabs some medical supplies from the cabinet and kneels next to me. "I need to look at the wound ok? Your heart rate is becoming very slow."

"How could you tell my heart rate just by sitting here?"

"Long story sweetheart, not enough time to answer that..."

He lifts up my shirt and rips it off revealing the wound which is very bloody and keeps gushing out blood.

"Damn it! We don't have enough time to get you to a doctor..." He growls.

"Lucky me...." I cough.

"I don't have time to explain, but I can save you. It may hurt, you may feel, or be different when you wake up. Do you want me to save you?"

I think about all my family that I'd leave behind. The pain that would be caused of my loss...

"Do it, I need to live, for my friends, I need to."

"Ok sweetheart hang on."

His face changes and I see sharp teeth and he takes my hand and bites down I scream.

I start to shake and hear him say, "Hold on..."

Then I pass out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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