Prologue: The Transfer Student.

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Authors Note: Warning Mother/Son incest. If you DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ. But (chuckling), Don't worry, if you read the summary or tags, it's starts like this yes, but Remus finds the truth out and well, helps Ginny what she wants to prevent an incestual relationship. Because Polyjuice may change your appearance and it may change the appearance of down below(if a virgin uses somebody's hair who isn't a virgin, their down below, becomes that way as well. Just had to clear up some stuff.)

Previously on 'Bringing Back Lily'

He replied happily. "Erm,so.. What are we going to do now?" Harry asked, and it was obvious what he was referring to.

"Harry, we can do anything you're comfortable with. I love you, and I don't have any reservations with what way. If you want me as a mother, then so be it. If you want me as a friend,that's okay too. If you want me as a lover... Well, then that'd be perfectly amazing with me." She grinned at him happily.

"I wonder if you could attend Hogwarts?" He said, pondering what she just said.

"I'd have to cast a glamour over myself the whole time, but that'd be possible I guess, if we made up a story about me transferring." She said.

"Sounds good to me," Harry replied, sighing as he raised his head up to kiss her softly, looking into her gentle eyes that reflected back at him with pure, simply love.

"And I think that answers your question, though a minor combination of the other two would be lovely as well."Harry said with a smirk.

"Then that's what we'll be!" She said,snuggling up against him and conjuring blankets, wrapping their naked bodies tightly as a comfortable sleep overtook them, resting in each others arms.

Prologue: The Transfer Student....

Before the TriWizard tournament....

Hogwarts Castle......

School Begins...

Dumbledore's POV

I was pacing knew Harry's mother was a natural occulemens as were the Weasleys' and all. But what on Earth could a similar looking in appearance a cross, between the Weasley's and Prewetts and Evans. A new student.......who was recently sorted into Gryffindor and who happened to be in a relationship with the Boy-Who-Lived...Something odd was going on and Harry became a Occulemens over the summer and what is even more surprising is that Harry Potter fell in love with someone who nearly had the same name as his mother, the last name is what bugged me was the new students name full name Liliana Marigold Mumy. Was she a distant cousin of Harry's on his mother's side. It's going to be a long year.

McGonagall's POV:

The new female student was odd and it was amazing that Harry found love, but she was hoping Miss Weasley be the love instead. What is going on? I muttered to myself......

Similar Teachers were the same way even though Snape was lenient with the new student, but couldn't get past.....a feeling about her.

Ron's POV:

Ron's thoughts 'The new student is oddly familiar. But is in love with Harry and she is in love with him as well, too. Good thing to so she can keep him away from my sister.' Ron smiled at the couple wishing he had the nerve to ask Hermione.

Hermione's POV:

Hermione's thought's went haywire, 'Why didn't he tell us he found a girlfriend over the summer?' Her conscious was chuckling, 'Something much more than a girlfriend little Hermy.' Hermione started had a conversation with her conscious, 'What do you mean, something much more.' Her conscious replied, 'Go to Flourish and Blotts and look up the love sacrifice spell or actually ask Dumbledore well to travel to Bulgarian version of Diagon Alley and then buy the book from there and read it then. Also gather a scent of the new girl and send it to Professor Lupin.' Hermione noted her conscious being onto something.

Ginny's POV:

"Who does this upstart think she is, she's stealing my man?"

Her conscious chuckled, "You missed your chance while in the chamber Ginerva."

Ginny sighed and knew her conscious was right, but she wasn't going to take this lying down.

Her conscious chuckled, "Think back to the adventures of Ron, Harry and Hermione had during the chamber and remember Lockhart instead of erasing memories you could also copy them and transfer them... Remember all the times of your schooling then extract your memory from their and place it in a vial and say 'Effingo', then place the original memory back in your head and extract the new students memory and copy it and place the copy in your head afterward you replace the original back in her head and then use the obliviate maximus spell and place the copy of your memory into her. Use a strong polyjuice potion one that mimics genetics. There's your revenge. Oh, remember Polyjuice tastes like goblin piss. Use the muggle method of kidnapping but away from Hogwarts during either at The Burrow or somewhere else. Since she would have your memory once you replace it then well use the imperio maximus curse on her and all you have to do is to well. say the length of time before the imperio, for example to control someone for five years under the imperio curse say 'quinque annorum imperio.' All you have to do is look up the latin words for the numbers 1-100.' Now your revenge is good. Though in order to change genetics take some of your blood as well as the new students blood and then use the latin word 'lungere' and the blood will mix enough to change your down below, if the female in question has lost her viriginity after taking the polyjuice potion so would you."

Ginny smiled a loving the plot of her revenge....It was perfect and couldn't fail. If that doesn't work then well, steal Harry's sperm. by using a compulsion potion on him triple or quadruple the ingredients thanks to the connection to Voldemort.

Neville's POV: 

Harry got a girlfriend this past summer, knew he had it him, but who in the blaze is this girl? Where did she come from? How he wished he had the nerve to ask Hannah, I put my face in my hands and rubbed my eyes.

Fred and George looked at their sister worriedly, they knew she acted like an angel but the face said something about getting revenge on Harry's girlfriend, Liliana. But they knew something was off extremely. But they were leave her to it. But if requested help they would give it to her no matter what.

Dean's POV: 

Who in the blazes is this new girl, she looks like Ginny, but not, is she one of Harry's cousins, if so, why is he dating her?

Seamus POV:

Ah, I don't care who Harry dates, but it's interesting though I'd always thought it would be Ginny.

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