Day one

24 2 17

You ran to your house grabbing a suitcase stuffing Light blue hoodies inside along with your teddy bear, laptop, phone, Animation Tablet and chargers. You where getting evicted but that's Ok! Your brother Thomas night or as he likes being called Tom had convinced his friend to let you live there until you could get a job and enough money to pay your own rent, if you don't get a house you can still pay a bit if their rent just like all 4 of them do.

You finally packed up all your stuff (besides the furniture) you looked into the mirror staring into your one black eye and your (E/C) eye sighing...all you have to do now is wait for Tom to come pick you up, you looked at your phone seeing a new message from Tom

TommieBear: Coming 2 pick ya up now, note, remember that boy I once had a crush on? He was forced 2 come along so ur going 2 have 2 put up with this Commies Shit.

(Y/N) (L/N): well hurry up Thomas I'm bored and my internet has been turned off!

Tom pulled up when you replied to his message, you walked out closing the door behind you, dragging your suitcases to the back putting them in then closing it getting into the passengers seat "So? Land lord a dick huh?" Tom asked starting to pull away "Yeah...I heard he raped a girl in there once." You saw the land lord you gave him the middle finger/Gave him a glare/Ignored him "Well you don't have to deal with a shithead in our house, well, besides Tord and Matt." Tom growled seeing the land lord "Hey! Fakk deg!" A Norwegian accent came from behind you, you screamed turning your head seeing a boy around his 20s, he had a shook expression on his face from you screaming.

You looked at him catching your breath, he wore a red hoodie, the right side of his face was mangled and his right arm was robotic, he wore dark grey trousers. His hair was Carmel with too bits of fluff sticking up looking like Horns, he also had Grey eyes with Red pupils. "Ya ok there (Y/N)?" Tom asked stopping the car at a house "Y-yeah...I...I'm fine." You replied panting slightly, the boy got out of the car at the same time as Tom. You got out 5 seconds after them, Tom had two of your suitcases while the boy had your third suitcase "T-Thanks" you studdered looking at Tom and the boy. You walked into the house after Tom and...Boy, you saw a tall boy about around 6'10 or 7'1 who was ginger

He had violet eyes. He wore blue jeans with a purple hoodie and a green over-coat, he was holding a purple mirror. The Harder you looked the more you realized he had freckles, you looked over and saw a boy slightly taller than you, he had Green eyes. He wore light brown jeans with a green hoodie. He was holding a cat you remembered Tom showing you a picture of the cat it was called Ringo. You reached out your hand for Ringo, you stop your hand. Ringo moved his head into your hand and begun purring "What? Why does Ringo love some new girl more than meeeeeeeee?"... BOY Asked " Because you are a communist mother-fucker, Tord" so that's his name? Tord? Ok. "Jehovah's..." You shot Tord a glare "I'm OFFENDED" You shouted at him, Tom chuckled while Tord tried shooting a glare back, which he failed to do "Now I have to put up with Two Toms? Have I died and went to hell?" Tord questioned "Awwk! I wish you fucking died!" Tom snapped at him, the boy holding the cat jumped in between them "OK, Ok. We haven't even shown (Y/N) where she will be staying and everything and you two are going at it!" Tom crossed his arms while Tord walked over to the sofa face planting onto it.

"Anyways, Hi! Im Edd, The tallest is Matt and if you didn't know the red hooded boy is Tord" the Boy with cat smiled introducing them all (besides Tom) You waved slightly grabbing both the suitcases off Tom "So....where should I put these?" Edd looked like he just realized something "Tom...your room isn't big enough for another bed so until we get you and your sister a bunk bed she's going to have to stay with Tord since he has a random spare bed" Tom looked at Tord forcing Tord to face him "You do anything to her and I swear I'll rip your throat out." Tom growled. Tord got up nodding slightly

"Lemme just...clean my room first" he said walking down into a room. After two minutes he came back taking the other suitcase. When you both got to the room the boy put the suitcase down at a bed in the corner and hopped onto another bed in the corner "Your tired already? Its only 3:10PM" You walked over to your bed "I would tell you why I'm tired...but you wouldn't want to listen to some worthless shithead like me." Tord replied turning to face you with tears in his eyes "Hey. That's not true. Why would I say your worthless when I haven't seen you do anything besides sit in a car, lay down and carry suitcases." He sighed and turned away curling up into a ball (CliffHanger because I'm going back to Thailand! Then I'll be back when I get there. So 11 hours but if it gets updated before 11 hours is over I let track into my account to update since. She's let me do that on her account.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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