"Why would you let me fight for some thing I wasn't going to get?" Bailey looked at Jamie with glassy eyes.
"I don't know." Jamie looks at Bailey and slowly turns his head away as she starts to cry.
"You never know. You can never give me a straight answer either. What were we even thinking? Did I really mean so little to you that you had to sleep with someone the day after we broke up? I'm sorry I couldn't give you what you wanted Jamie but I can't keep pretending that what your doing isn't hurting me." Cry's Bailey a little more.
"It's not that.." Says Jamie.
"What the hell is it then? Because I sure as hell don't know." Cry's Bailey.
"I didn't know what I was thinking okay? I loved you.. I still do! It's just that things have changed! Bailey.. It wasn't working, it hadn't been for a long time. Can't you see?" Yells Jamie.
"The only thing that has changed in our relationship is you! You have became cold and you shut down every time I try and talk about things with you! I feel like I'm the only one who was trying to make things better between us! Cry's Bailey a little more.
"I was trying Bailey! I really was! You have no idea!" Says Jamie as he starts to walk away.
"How could you do this to me? How could you just walk away from three years of dating? I have given up so much just to be with you! I have lost friends, family members and all you can say is sorry? How am I going to just be able to walk away? You mean everything to me! But that doesn't matter.. Does it?" Screams Bailey.
Jamie stops and turns back around to see Bailey crying more than he'd ever seen ever before.
"I'm so sorry." Says Jamie as he walks away.
Bailey falls to ground. She feels her whole world has just came crashing down around her and she can't do anything to stop it. With her head in both hands, she screams and she cries. An hour passes and Bailey heads home. There's a not on the table waiting for her as she walks in the door.
To Bailey.
We all thought you could use some time alone because of everything you've been through in the last couple of days. Your mother, Ana, J and I will be away for five nights and six days. We have left $150 for you to get tea or movies. These are the numbers for the hotel. Main office~ 555-764-109, our suit~ 777-669-146, and the security number is~ 555-890-246 just incase something goes really wrong. You can always call our cells if you need to hunny, Jamie can also stay over as well, stay safe!
Love Dad.
Bailey slams the front door and runs to her room. Bailey lay on her bed crying. She takes out her journal and starts writing about yet another fucked up day. Bailey and Jamie had been together since they were 13! How could he just walk away from something that meant so much to the both of them. Bailey takes out her phone and texts Jamie.
Bailey: Jamie, I'm sorry... If you want to come over, mum, dad and the kids are away for five nights. I think I'm ready.. I still love you..
Jamie: I'll come over but only to talk. If your not ready B, you're not ready, and yeah it's one of the reasons I left but I don't want to pressure you into anything, I still love you too.
Bailey: Okay, but your not pressuring me? If sleeping with you is what it's going to take to make you stay with me then I'm going to sleep with you. I love you Jamie! I'm not giving up on us yet and I want it to be with you!
Jamie: Bailey, if you're not comfortable with it we don't do it.. I'll be over soon.

RomanceTorn, broken and lonely. Will Baileys' and Jamie's three years of love, trust and happiness be able to survive when Jamie asks for something Bailey can't give him?