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Katsuki Bakugo stretched as he looked over from the cashier station at the clock hanging on the wall. It was 11:30pm, about closing time and freedom for the tired Freshmen. It was a very long obnoxious day. His classes were a bore and his boss was riding his ass once again for snapping on another costumer. But that didn't matter now. Today was Friday and Katsuki was free for the weekend. He had no work this weekend and shockingly no homework either. He was completely free. Katsuki left his station and headed towards the employee's only backroom. He opened up his work locker, taking his stuff out in the process. He closed and locked his locker while taking out his phone. Katsuki left the backroom and headed towards the door.

"Yo, Bakugo!" Kirishima called out. "Denki and I are going out to an apartment party on the south side of town, wanna come?"

"Do I look like I want to come, shitty hair?" he growled. "I'm going to pick up Deku from the Art Paradise then heading home."

"Aww c'mon, bring Midoriya with you," he said, his arm now slung around Katsuki's shoulders. Katsuki rolled his eyes and shook Kirishima's arm off of him.

"Deku isn't comfortable at parties and tonight isn't the night," he said.

Kirishima snickered," Ohhh, I see, gonna give him the D tonight huh?"

A vain popped out of the side of his head. He turned his body, swinging his fist at the red head. Kirishima, used to Katsuki's hits by now, easily dogged his fist. Katsuki growled at the grinning boy. "Fuck you!" He spat. Kirishima laughed. "I'll let you guys have some fun, see you Monday!" Katsuki flipped him off while walking out the door.

The boy walked out to his car his parents got him and unlocked the door. He got in, throwing his bag in the backseat. Katsuki sighed and took his phone out of his pocket. There were a few messages on his screen. One was from his mom ( Katsuki rolled his eyes at(, another was from his dad, and the other was from Izuku. He clicked on the message from him and read it:

Deku: Hey Kacchan, I'll be working until 12. There's a drag show tonight so they need me to stay until it is over. Come early n watch this time!!

Katsuki: Hell no! I won't watch that girly shit! BTW, I just got off, picking u up now.

Katsuki swiped the screen to lock his phone and put it back into his pocket. He put his car keys into the starter, turning the car's engine on. Katsuki pulled the stick, putting it into drive and drove off.

Art Paradise was a local bar and cafe in the area. It was a friendly LGBTQ+ place that Izuku loved to be at. The people were friendly and the drinks were great. He was really happy when he got a job as a waiter there. Katsuki on the other hand was not. Katsuki noticed quickly how popular his sweet cinnamon roll was. The boys drooled over him while the girls constantly flirted with him.Once the girls discovered Izuku was gay, they quickly backed off. But on busy nights like tonight, the flirting took on a whole new level. The guys became aggressively flirtatious. Hyped up on alcohol and gay guys dressed in drag, the costumers become a little too handy for Katsuki's taste. He hasn't had to use voilence yet to stop them, a glare was all it took, but tonight Katsuki felt like something was not right. The itch he had kept increasing as he parked into the bar's parking lot.

He got out the car and locked the car door in the process. Katsuki felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He clicked on the side button, revealing a text from Izuku.

Deku: Aww, okay, well i'm done now!

Katsuki looked at the time on his phone. Twelve am on the dot. Good, it was midnight and Izuku was done. Katsuki and Izuku could go straight home once he gets him. Katsuki put his phone back into his pocket. He headed towards the bar. Once he came up to the front, a bouncer was guarding the door. With no intention of going inside, Katsuki took out his phone and texted Izuku.

Katsuki: Oi, Deku, get outside. I'm here.

Katsuki waited for a minute. He looked at his phone again. No response. He groaned. "Fucking, pick up," Katsuki grumbled. Katsuki dialed his phone. No answer. "Fuck," he said, under his breath. Katsuki slipped his phone back into his pocket. That damn nerd must be inside talking to someone, Katsuki thought. Katsuki walked up to the door. The bouncer put his hand up.

"ID please," he demanded.

Katsuki swiped his phone to unlock. He tapped a few things onto the screen until his virtual ID popped up. Sticking his arm out, he showed the bouncer his ID. The man nodded and allowed Katsuki in. The man opened the door. A blast of music slammed into Katsuki's face. The sound of cheering mixed with music hit Katsuki's ears as he walked into the establishment. The bar was filled with people grinding and dancing on each other. Some were on the couches drinking and talking. A drag queen was on stage putting on her performance. She was lip syncing and dancing on stage. The crowd was eating it up. They were throwing ones onto the stage as she danced. Katsuki ignored everything around him. He pushed through the crowd until he saw a curly bed head of green and black hair on the far side of the bar. But his boyfriend was not the only thing he saw.

A guy in revealing clothes was rubbing his hand up and down Izuku's leg. He seemed to be batting his eye lashes at the boy. Izuku seemed nervous unsure of what to do. The guy came closer and closer to Izuku. Katsuki had enough. He stormed over, smoke blowing from his ears, as he cracked his knuckles. The guy now was pushing up against Izuku's put up hands. With a quick swing of his arm, Katsuki sucker punched the too flirtatious guy. The man fell over to the side, falling onto the floor. Izuku looked up at his pissed of boyfriend. He gave a sheepish smile. Before Izuku could even say anything, Katsuki grabbed him by the shirt, forcing Izuku to stand onto his feet. "We're leaving, now," Katsuki said.

"Wah!" Izuku said. Katsuki started to drag the boy through the crowd, but they didn't get far. Two guys taller than Katsuki surrounded them. Katsuki glared at them.

"Move, " he snarled.

"Not until you apologize for hitting our friend," the one boy said.

"Tell your friend to stay the fuck away from my boyfriend," he snapped.

"Kacchan," Izuku called out sweetly, "calm down, we don't need to start a fight."

But Katsuki ignored him. His blood was boiling. One fucker just tried to kiss Deku and now these two asses want him to apologize? Ha! Katsuki would rather beat these two guys into a pulp. And he was more than ready for a brawl. One of the guys with a dark slicked back hair stepped forward.

"A guy as violent as you doesn't even desvre to have this cutie," A smirk slipped onto his lips. Maybe he needs a new man."

Boom! Katsuki punched the boy straight in his face. His head jerked back and he fell onto the floor. The other boy who was with him attacked Katsuki. Seeing this, Izuku grabbed the other boy slamming him into the ground.

"Don't touch, Kacchan, " Izuku said. Katsuki couldn't help but smile at that.

The first boy who Katsuki hit came up from behind. He grabbed Izuku and lifted him up. Due to his small stature, Izuku was unable to land a clear hit on the guy. But Katsuki, blood boiling, was not going to let this fucker touch HIS Deku.

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