- Spin The Bottle -

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"Guys, I think it's time to head home, it's like 2am" Youngjae murmured. He spoke clearly, but you could tell the amount of drinks he had by his voice. "But I wanna stay hereee" BamBam interrupted.
No one payed attention to what was going around them. Their house was within walking distance, but it took them ages to get home since they kept falling, walking into poles, or sometimes into each other.

When they finally made it home, Jackson shouted from the other side of the living room "Lets play spin the bottle. We're not gonna remember anything in the morning anyway." Everyone agreed as Mark went and grabbed the wine bottle from the kitchen bench. They drunk all of it before they even left to go to the party.

Mark and Jackson sat down first, Youngjae and JB came next, BamBam, Jinyoung and finally Yugyeom sat down all in a circle facing eachother. "Rock, paper, scissors who has to spin first" JB suggested. The boys played rock, paper, scissors to determine the order, Yugyeom, Mark, JB, BamBam, Youngjae, Jinyoung and finally Jackson

"Alright. Let's go" Yugyeom went first and the bottle landed facing BamBam. At first they were hesitant to actually play, but with all the pressure from their peers, they kissed. It wasn't much, just a peck mostly. Everyone laughed and simply just moved on.

Mark went next, it landed on JB. JB's face went from a normal colour to a pink tinge. Everyone but Mark knew that JB had a crush on him, every since they started their trainee days. JB knew this would be the only time they would do anything like this so he leaned on slowly, Mark joined in after and they met in the middle. It got slightly heated, but not too much. When they pulled away everyone was staring at them. "Wow. Okay then" Jackson said, you could easily tell there was jealousy in his voice, he looked away when Mark looked at him.

JB went next, his face was still a bright pink after the interaction that just happened with Mark. 'Please land on Mark. Please land on Mark' He kept repeating under his breath. It was so quiet no one could hear him.
He had closed his eyes until he heard cheers coming from the other boys. Jackson. Jackson had a slight frown on his face once he saw it landed on him. He was hoping it wouldn't be him. Especially about JB and Mark earlier. Jackson quickly cupped JB's face in his hands and pecked him on the lips. There wasn't much involved. He mainly wanted to save that for Mark. If it ever landed on him.

BamBam was next. He spun the bottle pretty fast so it took it a while to stop spinning. When it did it landed on Mark.
"Why is it always landing on Mark" Jackson quietly mumbles under his breath "Hm? What was that?" Mark questions Jackson. "Oh, uh. Nothing" Jackson felt slightly flustered and looked away.
Once again, it was a quick peck, but everyone else wanted them to kiss again. "Guys, not apart of the rulesss" Mark said looking at Jackson, who was still flustered. BamBam got kind of sad when he said that, but I guess not everything can be the way you want it.

Youngjae. He spun the bottle and it landed on BamBam. He quickly grabbed him and kissed him on the lips. Nothing really even happened. "Boo! That was boring" Jinyoung had said. "Oh shut up."

Jinyoung. Second to last. He quickly grabbed the bottle, wanting this to be over, and spun it. Landed on Yugyeom. Both of their faces had turned a bright red. Everyone knew they had a crush on each other but they didn't want to admit it. Jinyoung held out his hands and the other grabbed them, Yugyeom pulled him closer while removing one of his hands from the grip of the other and putting it on Jinyoung's neck. As the were leaning in, Yugyeom started running his hands through the elders hair. They kept leaning in until they met in the middle. Somehow Jinyoung ends up on Yugyeom's lap and the kiss got even more heated.
After about 2 minutes, they pulled away. Their faces still close together but the look in their eyes said they wanted to keep going. "We will have one more round, which is Jackson, then you guys can go upstairs and do whatever you want" Youngjae interrupted them. Both of them pulled away and sat where they were previously.

Last was Jackson. For this whole game he was hoping it would land on Mark. His fingers crossed behind his back. He spun the bottle quite forcefully and it was slowly stopping when it almost landed on BamBam. BamBam noticed the frown on Jackson's face and he blowed the bottle to make sure it landed on Mark. Jackson mouthed a 'thank you' before getting even more flustered then before. Both Mark and Jackson's faces flushed a bright pink. Jackson hid his face in his hands so no one could see the colour of his face. Once he lifted his face up the last thing he saw was Mark winking at him before catching him off guard by pushing him to the ground and their lips touching. Jackson felt overwhelmed and didn't know what to do, so he obviously just started kissing him back. Mark's hands around Jackson's waist, and one in his hair. Jacksons hands just around Mark's waist, Mark had ended up in Jackson's lap. The other 5 guys were looking away talking to each other so the other two could have at least some privacy.
Mark and Jackson's kiss got even more heated when Jackson's hand was going up the back of Mark's white shirt. After a few seconds Mark's shirt was off. The pulled away and just looked at each other like they were the only two people in the universe. "Woah. Okay. Let's end the game here and let the two love birds go upstairs and do what they need" BamBam had snapped them out of their trance. Jackson took his shirt off, grabbed Mark's hand and ran upstairs. "USE PROTECTION!" JB shouted from the bottom of the stairs "None of us are gonna sleep tonight."

As they ended the game they all went up stairs to their bedrooms to sleep. JB was right. All you could hear was Mark and Jackson.

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