Love Line

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my underrated ship :) who's with me? 



"Are you there already?" Seulgi asked Sooyoung many times already.

"Don't worry, I'm almost there unnie, please don't call me anymore."

"Arasso, it's just that you always refuse whenever I make you go to a blind date, this is the first time that you agreed."

"Aigoo~ You don't have to worry about me, worry about your love life instead."

"Alright, I won't bother you anymore, I'm hanging up, bye~"

They both hang up and Sooyoung just sighed looking at the restaurant in a mall that her unnie arranged for her blind date to meet. She said that the guy is a friend of her boyfriend, a CEO and handsome.

Why would a CEO agree on a blind date? the guy must be weird.

She refused her unnie many times already, she got frustrated so she agreed this time. Besides she's not busy, her shop is not that busy anyway.

should I go in or not?

She looked at her wristwatch, 30 minutes more before her blind date will arrive. She decided to look at the clothes in the department store, she doesn't feel like going in the restaurant to wait, she'd rather go shopping, that's what she did.

Since it was holiday there are more people than usual in the mall especially at the departmemt store. So when Sooyoung went to pay for her chosen clothes, she was at the last line. She could see the other cashier are also full of line so she just decided to stay in her position and wait for her turn.

"Uhh.. excuse me, May I ask where to pay?"

Sooyoung turned to the guy who asked her. He's not the usual guy that you would see in a department store, he's wearing a white shirt paired with black coat and black pants, he looks like a model. Sooyoung thought he's lost based on his expression. He's completely a chaebol who doesn't know what to do.

"You can pay at the cashier but you have to fall in line first. This is the last line."

"Oh..." His only answer to her. Sooyoung frowned. Why does it feel like he's staring at her? "Hello?" Sooyoung waved her hand in front of his face who seemed to snap back to reality. He look at her face and smiled.

"Why are you looking at me?"

The guy just smiled more widely at her. He must be crazy, too bad... he's even my type.

"Because you're beautiful."

"What?" Sooyoung was dumbfounded. She knows that she's beautiful but to hear it from a stranger is kind of flattering. But looking at his face, he looks so sincere.

"I said you're beautiful." Jin can't help but look at the girl more closely, she's really beautiful up close. It was not his intention to be in the department store but he's bored so he decided to stroll around, there he saw the girl standing on a line, he doesn't know what brought him to her without having second thought he chose a pair of pants and shirt to buy and went to pay where the girl is standing.

Sooyoung confirmed that she did not misheard him. He did really say that she's beautiful.

"Thank you." Sooyoung said shamelessly. The guy laughed at her straightforwardness. "You're handsome." Sooyoung said after. It's true though.

Jin stopped laughing after hearing what she said. At first he was just trying to try flirt with her but now that she took the initiative Jin got a little bit more competitive. The girl just keep on surprising him.

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