4. Don't you Dare!

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Pragya POV

Before his lips could touch mine, I pushed at his chest, trying to move away from him, but instead he placed an arm around my waist and reeled me back in before I could escape.

"What the hell do you want from me?!" I yelled, pushing him away again with all the force I could muster.

"I don't want anything from you...." He replied, once again coming closer, pulling me against him. "I want you!"

"That's not possible!" I replied.

"Why not?" He asked.

"B-because I, belong to... someone else..." I said softly, my voice almost a whisper.

"You are back to that nonsense again?" He said, lifting a hand to brush a wayward lock of hair behind my ear. "Like I told you before, Pragya, I will never let that happen." He replied, his soft tone matching mine.

The first time he said it, I was in so much shock, it didn't register properly, but this time his response angered me to my core. How dare he!

"You didn't want me when you had me, and now that I'm finally moving on, you come rushing back into my life, trying to claim me in the worst possible way?!" I shouted in fury.

"How can I try to claim something that already belongs to me?" He returned.

"I was never yours." I told him. "I was merely a time-pass till you moved on to bigger and better things!"

The look on his face was one of surprise. He was probably shocked that I knew of his cheating ways. My heart broke remembering that day...the day I saw his true colors. Now here he was, trying to force his way back into my life. It was all water under the bridge now, yet someone I couldn't stop.

"You said you wanted no contact between us because seeing me...or hearing my voice would weaken you and distract you from your goals...and like the naive idiot I was, I believed you." I said to him. "All you had to say was that you didn't want me anymore. That you had grown tired of boring, stupid Pragya. I would have given you what you wanted in a heartbeat."

"What I've always wanted was you...and only you." He said, raising a hand to my cheek.

"You left me here alone, not caring how I was, or what I was doing and now you have the audacity to tell me I'm the only one you wanted? Are you even listening to yourself?" I asked, removing his hand from my cheek. "The only reason you want me now is because you just can't stand seeing me with someone else....not because you love me."

"Don't you dare!" He shouted and I jumped in surprise. "Don't you ever dare question the way I feel about you."

"How can your feelings for me be in question when there aren't any?" I told him, lifting a finger to poke at his chest. "For that to happen, I have to atleast think there's some shred of love in you for me...which there clearly isn't."

"You're playing with fire, Pragya." He said sternly, grasping my hand in his.

"I don't care!" I said, pulling my hand away from his. "What more can you possibly do to me! You already kidnapped me on my wedding day, took me away from my family, from my friends...from the man I..."

"The man you what?!" He cut across my words in anger.

I remained silent. Didn't think it was wise to complete that sentence.

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