Chapter 1

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[[Anna's POV]]

"Trust no one." I whispered to myself before opening up the doors to my new school.

I opened the door and everyone stood there, looking at me.

I might be because I'm the new girl. Or maybe it's because of the way I dress, black ripped skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance t-shirt. Or maybe it's because I have way too many bracelets on my wrists.

I always seem to attract attention. And I hate attention. It's the worst thing in the world.

Everyone sitting there staring at you, judging you. I just hate it.

I quickly made my way to the front office before someone tried to talk to me.

Let's just say I don't like people.

I opened the door to the front office, walking in. The lady at the front desk, with way too much red lip stick on might I add, looked up at me and smiled. It was a fake smile, I could tell.

"Can I help you?" She asked in a way too cheery voice.

"Uhm, yes I'm new here." I said, just loud enough for her to hear.

"Oh, what's your name?" She asked me, smiling that smile I have come to despise.

"Anna Irwin." I said.

"Anna..." She said typing something into the computer, "Oh there you are. Let me print out your schedule I'll be right back." She smiled at me.

She got up out of her chair and walked down a hallway. I guess the printer is down there? Who the hell keeps a printer down a hallway away from the computer? I swear this school is more stupid than my last one.

"So you're new here, huh?" I heard someone say from behind me.

I turned around to see a guy with black hair.

"Yeah." I said.

"You like My Chemical Romance?" He asked, eyeing my shirt.

"Yup." I said.

"What's with the one word answers?" He asked.

"What's with your face?" I smirked.

"You know you really shouldn't have said that." He growled.

"And why is that, drama queen?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Because I am going to make your life a living hell." He turned away.

Just before he walked away I said, "You can't make it worse of a living hell then it already is."


The chirpy lady had finally came back with my schedule and my locker number.

I briskly walked down the hallway, everyone staring at me. I found my locker did the combination and put some of my things away. The bell to start first period rung so I quickly shut my locker.

I walked to the left trying to find my first class. The halls were vacant. Oh great now I would make a scene coming into the classroom.

I walked down the hall until I finally found the class I was looking for. I opened the door and everyone stared at me.

"Oh, you must be the new student. Come in! Come in!" Said the lady- who I assumed to be the teacher.

Somehow, I found myself standing in front of the class room. I just want to sit in the back and have no one bother me. Is that too much to ask?

"How about you tell the class your name?" The lady, who I have yet to learn the name of, asked.

"Uhm," I cleared my throat "I'm Anna Irwin." I said, looking down.

"Well Anna, you can go sit by Luke. Luke raise your hand." She demanded.

A boy in the back with blonde hair raised his hand. I walked back and took a seat next to him.

"Hi I'm Luke, but you probably already know that." He smiled.

"Hi I'm Anna, but you probably already know that." I chuckled.

Maybe living here wouldn't be so bad after all..

omfg its 3:30am and I just finished reading the fault in our stars and im crying and the movie comes out today im not prepared for this.

-Luke's Bae

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