Hi my name is Nicole and I want to write this as a way to share my story.
I was born on April and was born into a scary world from a young age I watch my dad beat my mum. It was some of the most scariest years in my early life.
When I was 8 I was raped but my dad and it was something I never able to deal with. As life went on it got worse and before I know and dad was out of control. When I was 9 we finally got away from hell and my dad but the nightmare was only just began
Now that you know so of my past let me tell you a little about me. I am 19 years old and I am studying nursing and lately my mental health has started to get worse so I wanted to write this as a way of getting my head around how bad I got and where I am now.
I need to warn anyone going to read this as I will be retelling my story which includes abuse, raped, self-harm and suicide. Please if this triggers you I'm here to talk. Now I guess I should tell you about my family, I live with my mum and brother. I have 2 sisters who have left home because of me but I will get into that later.