I Want Your Blood and Your Soul

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Going out for a Bite

Nights like this are the best. Not a cloud in the sky, the stars are shining, but best of all the moon. The brightest object in the night lighting up the world. How amazing.

I walked slowly to Pop's Bar. Sitting on a wooden chair, the cold steel counter was full of drinks. I showed the bar tender my fake ID and ordered a beer.

An older guy sat down next to me. I looked at him and smiled.

"Arn't you a little young to be here at a bar? Why don't we go back to my place.?" he announced with a wink.

"Arn't you a little old to be picking up young boys like me ?" I added with a smirk

He gave me a scolding look and walked away. I giggled a little and gulped down my drink.

Seats where filling up as the night went by. I stood up and threw a ten on the counter and I was off.

Walking down the street I noticed 3 guys were following me. I walked just a little bit faster and so did they. I started to walk towards the road and crossed the street to the other side. They did the same.

I've had enough.

"Do I know you? Why are you following me!!??" I demanded.

They didn't say anything just smirked. One of them started walking towards me and I did the best thing I could think of. I ran.

"Don't run little boy. You'll only die tired!!" one of the guys shouted.

I ran fast but they ran faster. I saw a big building and I sprinted right into it. It was a school but it looked like it wasn't used anymore. I quickly jumped into one of the rooms and hid in a cabinet.

I heard foot steps get closer to the cabinet. I felt my heart pumping out of my chest. Sweat trickled down my forehead and I was trying not to breath knowing they would here me. I saw shadows of two feet right in front of me. This was it.

To my surprise the two shadows vanished and the foot steps sounded more distant until I couldn't here them anymore. I slowly opened the cabinet door looking for any signs of people.

No one.

I walked quietly trying find a door. I got into one of the halls and saw the front of the school where I ran into. I started to walk a little faster knowing they would find me if I didn't.

To late.

In a split second a tall man was standing in front of me. I shrieked and ran the other way. Another man standing behind me.

I was trapped.

Before I could think, I was pinned down to the floor. A shorter guy stood in front of me.

"Hello, My name is Alexander. This is Xavier and Jake." the man said pointing to the two guys pinning me down.

I struggled to get up, but the guys holding me down were strong. I let out a deep sigh and let my strength come back. I knew I wasn't going to get out of this situation.

" Don't struggle Jeydon, save your strength. Your going to need it." he said with an evil smirk.

How did he know my name? And what exactly did they want from me? I don't even know them.

"What do you want from me?" I snapped. "I don't have any money on me, and if you let me go now we can act like this never happened." I added.

They all laughed.

Xavier pulled out a needle and stuck it in my arm.

"OW you fucking douchdick!" I snapped again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2012 ⏰

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