Chapter 13

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I’m trying to catch up and I’m writing this as fast as I can. Hopefully you like the last chapter and enjoy. I do my research occasionally just letting you know. Thanks again for all the wonderful subscribers/story alerts/reviews!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: Love you Rick Riordan and I respect you rights are reserved and all that but this is my original plot line just crafted from your interesting mind of genius-nous.


Percy thought life couldn’t get any better. He was passed out that much he knew. There were voices. He was hungry. They were growling. He was cranky. They were coming closer. He was mad. The voice stopped and Percy had no idea what was wrong. Well except the fact that I have once again disappeared probably giving everyone a heart attack and that I’m probably going to die, wait think positive thoughts Percy; positive thoughts.

“He looks ugly Joe.”

Excuse me?!

“I think he’s adorable Mo!”

Much better.

“He’s trouble Poe.”


“He is disposable Clo.”

Yeah I-huh no, no, no bad idea. Stupid conscience wake up already!

“No you know the orders Mo no killing the boy only capturing him.”

Thank you!

“Whatever you say Bo.”

Love you too Mo…

“We are geryons not silly little fauns Doe!”

What am I doing listening to this? Get up Percy!

That wake up thought seemed to do the trick and Percy shot straight up. He opened his eyes blearily and found himself face to face to the most gruesome creatures he had ever met. They had three heads and three sets of legs joined at the waist. A story Annabeth once told him sparked but Percy couldn’t figure out what exactly the myth was. He was so confused he had to improvise.

“Nice names you know Mo, Doe, Bo, Poe, Joe.”

“Are you making fun of us demigod?”

“No not at all. Now time for a Q & A session. Where am I?”

“In our lair very close to the Hades child in fact.”

“Nico? Well you just made my life easier. Next question, why am I here?”

“Because of mother Gaea she said so.”

“Well that can’t be good. Let’s see what exactly are you to do with me?”

“Wait until she controls you and let you go once your friends arrive.”

“Evil. Hmm well what’s the plan?”

“Friends come you kill and Nico has no choice but to tell secret.”

“What’s the grand plan may I ask?”

“We find the marked one and make sure he or she dies so they can’t close big doors then find the ones who have the power to close them.”

“You lost me. I thought the marked one was supposed to close the doors,”

“Yes, yes but she or he needs the power sacrifice, only a little, and then doors go close. And we need to find out who shall be the one to aid the Marked one so we can kill them.”

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