Hey guys! I love role playing, and I've realised that a lot of the prompts are not ones that I really like. So, I've written my own. If you like them, or just need someone to role play with, kik me!
My kik: CailynJMB
•MUST use correct grammar
-NO text talk
-NO one sentences
•paragraph form
•Try to stick to plot
-you can describe characters, setting, and anything else that's necessary
•Be good with smut
(It won't come up like AAAALL the time, but it will. So if you know nothing about it, don't bother joining my roleplay)
•Be okay with playing more than one character (parents, siblings, other boys, other girls, etc.)
•Be able to create drama
(It gets boring when only one person is making all the plot twists)
•Cussing is allowed
(Don't be one of those people who cusses all the time but doesn't know how to use words correctly)