Jisung (NCT)

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And this was a request. So that's fun. Again, don't know nct that well but I'll try my best to make this not suck ^^ also sorry this took so long, I've been doing other writing stuff (hopefully there's no more requests after these ones so I can focus on other stuff and not feel bad about making people wait)(I also assumed that this was supposed to be nct's jisung but... it wasn't specified so whoops)

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I looked down at my feet as I stood by my locker. I examined how my feet were positioned, fidgeting with their placement as I felt glares from the girls passing by me. "Y/n!" I looked up as Jisung jumped in front of me with a grin.

"Hi Jisung." He pulled me into a quick hug and then grabbed my hand, pulling us off to class. I could feel everyone staring at us, questioning why Jisung chose me instead of someone else. I could feel the glares from all the girls burning into the back of my head and I remembered the words they said to me. I felt my confidence deplete even more, as if they needed to help me think I wasn't worthy of this relationship.

"Y/n?" I looked up to see we were at our class room and Jisung was trying to grab my attention. "You're really spacey today, is everything alright?" I nodded slowly, quick to walk by him and go to my seat. He quickly followed and sat next to me. I could feel his eyes on the side of my face but I concentrated on my notes and the board for the entire class.

Halfway through the class, Jisung slid a note over to me. Despite my better judgement, I opened the note and quickly read it over.

»»----- Did I do something? -----««

I wrote down a small no and slid the note back over as something hit the back of my head. I turned myself around to pick up a ball of paper that was on the ground. Inside was a note, which I assumed was from one of the girls in our class, so I read it over.

»»----- You don't deserve him, I don't even know why you let him date someone like you -----««

I sighed and crumpled up the note, shoving it into my bag without much thought. They send these notes as if I don't already know this.

The bell rang as I let out a sigh. I grabbed my bag and went about my day being dragged by Jisung and having a couple girls send me similar notes. It wasn't long until the day was over and I was walking home with Jisung. We stopped by a park and I sat on the swings as Jisung ran around trying to make me laugh.

"Jisung..." I sighed, tears starting to well up in my eyes. I took a deep breath as he stood in front of me, a bright grin on his face. "I-I think we should br-break up." I sniffled, not meeting his eyes.

"Wh-what, why?" He tried grabbing my hand but I kept them away from him.

"I just, I don't think I deserve to be with you. You deserve to be with someone so much more amazing and beautiful. There's so many girls that would love to date you, you shouldn't settle for me." I spoke quickly, not letting him stop me. I quickly wiped away the stray tears that fell down my face and stared at the ground, I couldn't bare to look at him.

He sighed and walked away from me. I sat on the swing quietly, the sadness completely enveloping me. I heard a shuffle and saw the notes from throughout the day being thrown onto the ground. "Is this why? Do you believe these girls?" Jisung stomped on the notes, covering them in dirt. I looked up at him and finally saw the tears falling down his face.

"Why wouldn't I believe them? They're right, you're too good for me." I muttered, my eyes dropping back down to my feet.

"Yah!" He yelled and grabbed my shoulders. He placed a hand under my chin and made me meet his eyes. "I asked you out for a reason. I wanted to date you, not all of those other girls."

"But!" He placed a finger on my mouth and shook his head.

"You're not breaking up with me. Okay?" I nodded slowly, a stray tear falling down my face. He quickly helped me to my feet and wiped away my any tears left on my face.

"I'm sorry..." I trailed off as he wrapped his arms around me.

He kissed my forehead softly. Then my cheek, my nose, and my other cheek. "I love you, don't forget that." I nodded as I felt a warmth creep up my cheeks. He smiled and gently kissed my lips. I think he was scared he was going to break me if he wasn't extremely gentle.

"I-I love you too." I stuttered, suddenly super aware of where we were. "Why did you do that?" I whined, placing my head on his chest in embarrassment. "We're in public and you're making me feel so shy." I mumbled.

"You're so cute, you know that." He cooed, hugging me close and resting his head on mine.

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Jisung picked me up from my house today so we walked to school hand in hand. I felt the glares from the girls in my class intensify as we walked into the building. Jisung must have noticed my uncomfort since he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer. "Don't worry about those girls, okay?" He whispered, squeezing my arm slightly.

I nodded as we walked to my locker. I quickly put my passcode into my lock and opened the door as ten little notes fell out. I picked up one and read the horrible words on it. Jisung pulled the note from my hand as he dumped them all into the trash. "Ugh, Jisung you should let her read those. Maybe then she'll realize how worthless she is."

I stared at the ground as Jisung wrapped his arm around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. "The only worthless girl I see is the one sending hateful notes to my girlfriend." His smile from before instantly turned into a glare as he became protective of me, "I love her and you girls sending these notes isn't going to change that. Even if she breaks up with me, I will never date you." The group of girls all gasped and ran off, unable to come up with any sort of comeback.

"You didn't have to do that Jisung." I turned back to my locker and grabbed my books for class. "I definitely did appreciate it though, the look on their faces was priceless."

"Of course I did. I can't let these girls be mean to you just because you're dating me! That would make me a bad boyfriend and you don't deserve that." I laughed lightly as he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him to class.

"You're so lame. But at least you're cute." He grinned back at me and squeezed my hand.

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...hope ya enjoyed okay bye

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