Seeing the mark for the first time pt 1

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Ashe's pov

Waking up this morning was a pain. Last night I had gotten a beating from my foster parents and now I have wails all over my back *Hurts like hell*. Now I have to get ready before my foster dad starts yelling at me. Any way I haven't told you my name...It's Ash......Ash Anderson
.......And nobody likes me. Why? Cause my hair is white and not the normal

(how he looks) Anyway I should get ready

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(how he looks)
Anyway I should get ready

The school uniform seems fine and a white jansport bag with a black ink like design on it

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The school uniform seems fine and a white jansport bag with a black ink like design on it.

The school uniform seems fine and a white jansport bag with a black ink like design on it

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I looked at it *Bag knows how I feel. CONFUSED*. I went down stairs,got something to eat,and left for school.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

The walk to school was short. I now stood in front of a huge building

*I'll never get used to this* I thought as I made my way to the building. The schools district was in New York and luckyly my house was just about at least,say,2-3 blocks away from it so all I had to do was walk.

Before I went in the school yard,I plugged in my ear plugs into my phone, Awake and Alive,was playing. Dont judge me.

By the time the song finished I was already by my locker. I took out my schedule and looked at it I had art first it said and I sighed a sigh of relief.

When I turned to go to class, I was stopped right in my track.....I didn't even look up already knowing who it was. It was Blade. Blade was someone you could not,never ever mess around with or you could get one of his signature punches and a black eye to go with it.

+++++++++ Time skip++++++++++
The day was long and uneventful......thankfully I was able to get through the day without having to run into Blade

Now I'm home........and thankfully alone. My foster parents aren't here but there is a letter from my foster sister Annabelle. She always treats me like a person.

The letter says:

Dear Ash,
          Mom and dad are on a business trip and told me not to send you any money..... But do I ever lieten. There is money on the dining table. We'll be gone for a while. Be careful.

                      With love,

After I read the note,I went straight to my room. It was much, but I felt at ease here.

I decided to go ahead and take a warm shower. But when I was undressing I saw a weird mark on my chest.

 But when I was undressing I saw a weird mark on my chest

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It looked like that of a Wolverine. I looked at it at from different angles."It does look like a Wolverine's mark" I said to my self,still observing it with a suspicious gaze. Shrugging it off,I turned on the water and waited for the water to heat up.

==============Time Skip======

After I took my shower I went in my room and dressed into something more comfortable.

After I took my shower I went in my room and dressed into something more comfortable

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I looked at myself in the mirror.*I look cute* I thought to myself, smiling softly.
I couldn't help but get the feeling that I was being watched, shrugging off the feeling,I went onto my phone

I couldn't help but get the feeling that I was being watched, shrugging off the feeling,I went onto my phone

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And started listening to music

(Choose which one you want to play first😊)

But I couldn't help but think that someone was watching me. Calm down Ash,you worry too much 😑.

No pov

But what Ash didn't know,is that someone,in a tree,was watching him

But just who is this someone? And why is he looking at Ash through a tree🤔?

We may never know 😥

Until next time~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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