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Amora P.O.V.
My name is Amora Felina. I am 18 and I work at a small pet shop down a street in LA. I've worked there ever since I was 16. I had friends named Mandy, Shawn, and Aspen. Yes Aspen Loeffler, but she isn't like how people think she is. She is kind, loving and supportive. Of course she brags and talks about these boys that her dad manages ALL THE TIME. But they seem to make her happy so I'm all for it!
But, with every normal story, always comes a horrible time.  I had an abusive boyfriend named Paul. He almost threw me off the balcony once because I didn't want to wear short shorts. He also would force me to do stuff I didn't want to. I left. I "left" him. I lost my mother to cancer. She loved my father and I so much, I cried for days when I lost her. But now I live my life for her.

Because I'm still Alive.

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