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I stand still at the front of my new prison, my arms wrapped around the folder against my chest and my bag hanging loosely on my back. I swallow roughly as I listen to the sound of mum's car retreating down the road, leaving me stranded here at this hell hole. Great. Thanks mum for leaving me. I love you too... I take a deep breath before plunging into the labyrinth of staring eyes. My feet shuffle nervously against the footpath as it led me further into the school filled with students of all ages from year 8 to 12. Buildings stood tall either side of me and towered over everyone, seemingly dark and full of boring lessons and tortuous assignments. I feel the gazes of students as I continued deeper into the school grounds towards the locker area. I didn't understand how EVERYONE seemed to know I was new here. Argh, this is embarrassing. The main hall where the lockers were located looked very old and probably not renovated since the 1900s. The brick was brown and discoloured, as was the rest of the school and the only colour that actually existed at this prison was the trees, which looked like they were dying just being here. I slowed at the double doors before pulling one open and entering the hall. I winced at the scent of sterile chemicals and nearly gagged from the stench. The entire building was white from floor to ceiling and the floor glistened with some kind of chemical that was probably toxic. Even the fluorescent lights were white and they reflected in the strangely shining tiles. The only thing that wasn't white was the lockers that lined either side of the walls but they were unfortunately rusty as fuck and looked 100 years old. I wander further down the hall, reading the numbers on each locker to try and find 52 before stopping at the desired number. I shuffle closer and grab the lock in my hand before flicking the numbers of my pin and unlocking the door. It swings open with a high pitched screech and I cringe at the sound. I glance behind me as I feel gazes turn to look at me, girls giggling and pointing while some of the guys rolled their eyes. My face flushes red and I instantly look into my locker. Nice job Luna. Now you look like a fucking dick on your first day. Well done. I shake my head slightly and place my bag into the locker before unzipping it and pulling out my books. I grab my diary and open it up to check my lessons. I had math first up then biology and finally ancient studies before recess. I remove my unnecessary books and zip up my bag before closing my locker. Just as I was turning around to start heading towards my first lesson, a body collided into me and I was suddenly trapped against the metal. My heart skipped a beat and I held my breath, my bag slipping from my shoulder to the floor as I stared at the person's black jeans. Oh my god. It's a guy. Holy crap... I feel the male's rock solid torso resting against my chest and his arms either side of me, confining me in a small space against the lockers. My gaze trails up a little further to the guy's belt and my face turns beetroot red at the sight of a bulge just beneath the buckle. Yep. Definitely a guy. I continue to look further up his body, seeing slight ripples of abs beneath his school shirt before reaching his face, my gaze connecting with his as he looked down at me. My heart stops in my chest and I tense sharply against the metal. His face was cleanly shaven and he had deep brown eyes with black roughly spiked hair. His jawline was sharp and hard as he looked at me, and my face reddened even more. Oh fuck. Someone kill me...
His voice was deep and husky and I nearly melted at the sound. My heart was hammering at 100km an hour and I swear he could hear it.
"Sorry about this. It was a dare to get a girl pinned against a locker, and you were the closest one to me."
He smirked as he gestured to his friend behind him and I suddenly felt like I was in an oven, baking away my soul into oblivion. His body seemed even closer to me then before and I felt his breath against my lips. Say something, goddammit! Don't just stand there like an idiot!!
"I-it's fine. Don't worry about it..." I stammered, my voice sounding slightly breathless and shaky. Nice going Luna. You DEFINITELY didn't sound like a complete dickhead. A tingling sensation shot through my body down to my pelvis and I shuffle against the lockers, butterflies flapping rapidly in the pit of my stomach. He wouldn't goddamn move and it was making me feel strange in places I didn't know felt this way. It was making me so uncomfortable... yet I didn't want it to stop... What is happening to me...?

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