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Amora's P.O.V
I turned around and picked up the second box, climbed the ladder, and started putting more leashes away. As those boys came to the camera, Logan pretended to shoot them all.
"THAAATS MA BOOOOOOIIIIS!!" he said loud and obnoxiously.
The boys got off the ground and said hi to the camera. I laughed to myself and looked down at them to see one of the boys looking back at me. His hair was very curly, almost like ramen noodles placed on top of his head. He gave me a faint smile before turning back to the boys. I got off the ladder and started to walked away, until the dog once again, tugged at me.
But this time, Logan was too busy talking to notice. The curly haired boy ran up to me.
I knew the boys names, I just couldn't remember who was who. Aspen never described them, and I was never really on social media.
I kneeled down and pet the dog. The boy kneeled down too.
"Hi, I'm Jack." His voice was calm, but energetically the same time, it was low but had a some what of a higher pitch then most boys. His eyes were like chocolate swirls, with specks of caramel. And his jawline could break a piece of wood like karate masters did in the movies.
I realized I was staring at him, when he looked down a chuckled.
"Sorry!" I said embarrassed. I stood up and he grabbed the dog and stood up.
"It's ok," he smiled.
"Aspen talks about you boys a lot but she never mentions how you look." I said.
"Aspen? Aspen Loeffler?" He asked.
"Yeah!" Her dad is your manager." I said.
"Was." He corrected, "but that's besides the point."
That's funny..because she was talking about how great yesterday was.
I looked down at my feet and looked back up at him, "sorry I should probably get back to work, you guys look busy."
I turned away.
"Can I at least get your number?" Jack asked. His voice went soft and gentle.
I felt my stomach knot. This kind of stuff only happened in movies, so when it happened to me I almost couldn't react.
"Only if you'll give me yours!" And my awkward self took over.
He snickered and pulled out his phone, I pulled out mine. We exchanged numbers and as I glanced over his should all the boys were together behind the camera and Logan was whispering to it.
Jack caught me looking over him and looked to see the same thing. He quickly turned back to me and he was bright red.
"You should wear blush, red looks good on you." I said.
He smiled, "You should wear a smile more, its really attractive."
Now I was turning red.
"I'll see you around." His voice was so soothing I could listen to it all day. And that was just him talking.

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