Goodnight My Dear Boy

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                                    Good Night My Dear Boy

You arrive at the address that was written on the letter you had received the house looked rather normal to you and weren’t bother by it at all but you were extremely curious as to why you have been sent here. You walk up the cobble stone path way to the front door and you gently knock on the door within a few seconds the door slowly opens and you are greeted by the owner of the home. “Ah come in come in!” he croaks out to you and with that being said you do as you are told. He tells you to pull out your notepad and to take a seat on his couch you of course do what he say and he begins to talk to you and give you the reason why you are here.

I can’t exactly remember why I started killing or the motives that lead me to it. I can remember my first victim though, she had long golden hair that was spun into little spirals and her skin was the palest thing I’ve ever seen, well actually that’s not true I’ve seen some pretty pale things... Anyways as I was saying she had beautiful pale skin and now that I think about it I suppose it suited her very nicely especially with her brown eyes that she had. I can remember her beautiful lips and how soft the felt when they touched my palms as I muffled her screams I remember wanting to kiss them but decided against it as that made me feel uncomfortable just thinking about it which it still manages to do to this day

I remember taking my favorite little pocket knife and pressing the small silver blade against her cold soft skin and watching it puncture and the crimson liquid surfacing so quickly from her skin as if it was a child that had just fallen into a pool and had struggled for hours and days on end to get air into its lungs. After I stared at her blood for a little while I dug my finger into her wound listening to the muffled screams of pain, making their way out of her little mouth that was covered by my hands. Her pain gave me so much excitement and made me feel so good about myself and it’s not like she didn’t deserve it; she clearly did you see I knew this girl I knew her very well you see she was my fraternal twin sister. You are probably wondering why I killed her well that my dear friends is a whole other, story but all I can say is that she got what she deserved every puncture every single thing I did to her till she took her last breath she deserved.

I remember getting very frustrated over having to decide on how to get rid of the awful stench along with the repulsive looking body. I had no idea what to do with it and after two cups of tea and a hour of thinking I was able to decide on dismembering her body and then burning it afterward I ended up taking her ashy remains, and dumping them in the tank outside of the barn it seemed like the most logical thing to do at the time. Which now that I think of it the process was very time consuming and I should of thought of something different! Oh well what can I do about it now I mean it has already been a year, so quite frankly, it would be rather pointless to do something like that.

As time went on I realized that I had a complete urge to kill something  rather I needed to kill something or else I was going to go crazy and kill myself or worse, something that will not be mentioned. I couldn’t help but want to feel the warm blood against my skin and the happiness I felt when I slit my sisters throat open and no it didn’t not squirt out like blood always did in the movies it was most defiantly nothing like that instead it just flowed out of her neck as if it was a river a beautiful crimson river. I longed to feel that feeling, again it became a necessity of my everyday life. So I searched for it. I figured if I just killed something small and defenseless like my sister was I would be satisfied and at least be able to hold off on the need to kill. Sadly I was wrong; killing a bird or a mouse did nothing for me it just made me completely miserable and it gave me no satisfaction at all.

That’s when I realized I didn’t need to kill just anything I had to kill people and the way I see it now is I was doing the world a favor. I wasn’t just some crazy bastard who killed to satisfy just his needs no I killed to satisfy the worlds needs and not only that I was releasing the poor victims from their own pain and their own sins. In fact, I should be praised for what I did, but I’m not I am just seen as some low life revolting scum. The problem is society doesn’t look at things the way I do. They don’t see things the way I see them rather they choose not to because who would want to choose to see through the eyes of psychopath according to the news reporters and the TIMES magazines. I promise you, though it’s not as bad as it seems it’s actually rather interesting and much more fun and enjoyable. As I was saying about society it’s very close minded, people on their cellphones, laptops, and video game consoles they don’t know what it’s like to experience real excitement instead they sit and drown their pathetic sorrows and brains into useless devices and slowly destroy each brain cell they have and that’s what pisses me off. Here I am actually doing something productive and helpful towards society but yet I still get frowned upon and punished just because I am not washing my brain away with the stupid technology given in today’s society and it’s pathetic excuses on why it should be used doesn’t faze me at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2014 ⏰

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