Delaying her enemies

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I'm thinking of putting this short story into a competition. comment, vote, message what u think.

If you see any mistakes don't hesitate to tell me it's much appreciated. Thanks and hope you like my short story!!!

Sweat dribbled down her face pooling at the bottom of her feet. Drenched from head to toe; the sun in all it's burning glory, stayed there mocking her, snickering at her. The clothes she once wore now clung to her body like a second skin. Her once normal heart beat had increased as she pushed her legs to move faster away from the danger lurking around. It didn't help that it was daytime, not even being night-time would help her now. Nobody will for she is forever alone. Dust generously supplied her mouth as she tried to gulp as much air into her lungs as possible. The hastily thumping of her legs pounding on the dirt road was heard from all across town. The whispers of the town people floated in the breeze reaching her ears but no one cast her a second glance to help her. Everyone was in a subdued mood, withering in mental pain just rationally thinking what can happen to her. In the back of her mind, she knew she was going to die but damn if she doesn't go without a fight. Taking a sharp right turn she ran towards the first house she could. Ironically enough it was the abandoned mansion. Stories were whispered around campfires about this place. Looking at the looming house before her, she could tell why. She wasn't the slowest person to ever run but even she knew her legs couldn't take much more. Her legs were already agonisingly burning from when she ran like there was no tomorrow and although she didn't want to admit it she can tell she was fatiguing. Now after giving up the debate on whether to go in the house or not, she realised her legs couldn't go on forever and even if she tried they would catch up to her pretty quickly. After all they were adults and she just a mere girl.

Many thoughts consumed her brain but the one the stood out was 'don't be stupid as all those girls you yell at from horrors movies see' being to caught up in her musings she didn't hear the brays of her enemies until she could see them in the distance. Making a quick decision she slipped through the broken window, bending over to catch her breath. Her breath coming out in quick, shallow gasps. She rights herself up and carries herself up and carries herself towards the narrow, unstable stair case. Every step screeches in protest alerting anyone if they happened to be in the house. That she thought was highly unlikely or so she hoped. As far as everyone knew no one has lived here in over 30 years. Yeah if you get over the murder that happened here the place was really nice in the middle of nowhere surrounded by forests. Great house although it was run down some furniture and painting plus fixture would give it back it's appeal.

The cold air rustling her long raven black hair didn't sojourn her stomach from churning even more so then before. It was funny how in only a matter of mere minuets that the atmosphere had changed from hot to cold. She wasn't sure whether it was the wind or just the nerves coming into play, from her surroundings she was assuming it was the latter. Commencing her journey into the house she knew somewhere in her mind that if they found her that would be it. No more hide and seek. Finished. The worst part about it all was her mother. How can the women who gave birthed her into this world, raised her, cared for her. Be able to work with such evil, murderous human beings was beyond her comprehension. Any daughters comprehension. Lately she started to revile her mothers as any daughter should given her current position. The rattling of the door handle jerked her out of thought.

The first place they would look is the cupboard, then under the table so....... As she turned around in circles the already wrecked curtains moved slightly from the bone shivering cold, catching her vision long enough to reveal a circular window. Big enough for her small frame to fit through. Seeing on other option she quickly hurried to the window, opened it and swung one elf after the other till she stood on the crumbling ledge. Hearing heavy thumps and shouting coming from the stairwell get louder. She turned her attention back to the ground before finding no other way to escape she slowly and carefully began to move across the ledge. Chanting in her head 'don't look down don't look down' but as everyone does she looked done. She couldn't scream even if she wanted to which she did the lump that formed in her throat blocked any sound from travelling out. She continued knowing that the people she's running from aren't far behind. "Honey stop! Please it's just the dentist their only doing a check up" my mother screeched poking her head through the window. Like hell she thought, while whimpering as grisly images of what they would do passed rapidly in her mind. No matter how many epochs pass, she will always fear the day the dentist comes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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