Chapter One: The Monster Attacks.

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It was dawn when the ninjas first noticed something was terribly wrong. They could feel the ground shaking and it woke them out of bed.

"What was that!" Yelled T.

"Oh no!" Said R, "Could it be the monster?"

"I hope not, " T said as he climbed down from his top bunk. "That monster was so scary when he came last time."

"Well we better join our friends in the living room so we can make a plan."

"Sounds good." Said R as he slid on his slippers.

They ran to the living room when they noticed all of their friends were already there drinking red Gatorade. Of course they wanted some too.

"I'm glad that we are prepared." Said A, the tallest and smartest leader in the galaxy.

"And that we have so many supplies." Said T drinking down his Gatorade quickly.

"What should we do captain I can see the green monster climbing over the tallest mountain from the east?" Asked R.

"Well." Said the captain. " We need to sit in our battlestations and ready our rocketships. Last time the creature only took  our gold, but this time they could take so much more."

"Like what?" Asked B.

"They could smash our spacestation." Said the captain as he placed his captain jacket on. "We need to make sure that doesn't happen."

The ninjas readied their blasters. Three of them got into small battleships and hovered over their house. They thought that might scare away the monster, but it didn't he kept on running towards the ninjas.

With every step the monster took the ground shake and shake! It was scaring the ninjas but they were brave.

They took out their blasters and shot fireworks into the sky making big poisonous  balls of fire that they knew would keep the monster away.

The monster ran away scared.

The ninjas were so excited that they wanted to have a party. The monster would not be taking any of their things today.

All of the ninjas gathered in the party room. One ninja baked fresh chocolate cookies and the other made 10 cheese pizzas.

Excitedly they ate their yummy food and drank even more Gatorade.

"I know today was a victory, but we need a way to keep the monster from coming to our  space station. If we use our blasters too much it could brake." Said the captain.

"What if we made a forcefield." Suggested R.

We could use science and math to make a forcefield. Then the monster couldn't get through it.

"That sounds like an amazing idea. You should get started on that right after the party." Said the captain.

"We could also make a radar detector." Said P while chewing on a giant piece of pizza.

"What is that?" Ask T

"We put up sensors and they tell us if something is moving. We put them all around the space station and some far away. Then when something moves we can see it on our computer. So when a monster is coming it will show us on our radar and we can know before they are even close to us."

The ninjas got to work on preparing the spaceship for more bad guys but right now they are safe and sound and also full from all of the cookies and pizza.

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