The Other Side Of The Lake

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Gracie's POV.

'Hey guys u want to go to da lake' Cam said.

'sure' said Jayden my best friend I can always trust with anything and is dating my cousin Cam.

'Ya totally' said the best boyfriend in the world Nash.

And finally I said 'yesss!

'We'll meet up in an hour or two bye'

I'm glad we were all meeting up today because I never really get to see Cam. He's always at Magcon and so is Nash but I get to see him more because we live next door.

----------time skip----------

When we all got there Jayden and I started tanning. After awhile, I felt a wet liquid pour down hard on me.i looked up and saw Nash and Cam holding buckets and they had a small and cheesy grin. They started to run as we got up.we ran and softly tackled them. We then heard a loud noise and then we looked the way it came. When we found out the way it came we saw....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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