My Psychologist appointment June 5th 2014

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I went to my appointment this morning for my psychologist appointment and it went well I learned some breathing techniques which i will gladly tell you how I do them.

The first one I was sitting on the couch, and I closed my eyes and breathed in and out she told me the 4th time to think of a balloon when I was inhaling the balloon would blow up, and when I exhaled the balloon would blow out. I told her when she asked what the balloon looked like I said it was red and it was medium size almost popped but not yet. Then she told me to think of a flower and when I exhale i blow the petals off and I said it was a sunflower yellow and the petals were half off.

Exercise instructions

1 Close your eyes and breathe in and out

2. 4th time think of a balloon when your inhaling the balloon would blow up when you exhale it leaves air out.

3. describe the balloon

4. Think of a flower and describe it when your done breathing in and out

2nd exercise

Hold belly and breathe in and out feeling it in the diaphragm

After your done what does it feel like? what do you feel like when your done? What does your body feel like when finished

She gave me a packet to read about anixety and I am so excited started it now will put information from it in the book

I am also starting a journal to bring with me to the appointments write things down about this to tell her :)

*pm me if u need help anytime im here for you guys*

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