Sweet Smell

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○ David POV ○

A strong smell of caramel and vanilla hit me as I walked into a small tea house called Little Brittian, the warmth from the building clashing with the brisk, November weather. I sat myself down in the usual secluded booth that was in the back corner, away from prying eyes. This was what you would call a safe place for me, where I was never bothered........


My name is David Walliams, I'm 35, and I am absolutely, positively....


I have been ever since my divorce with Lara. Yes, Lara Stone, you heard me. Ever since I saw her messing around with some guy during a photo shoot we've been apart. I really did love her, and I still want to, but apparently, the feeling was never mutual. After we parted though, the love I felt towards her faded, not slowly, but rather quickly, almost like it wasn't even there at all, like I had just told myself it was there for the sake of feeling apart of something. But nevertheless, I was wrong. I always was.

I had spent several weeks and even months away from friends and family cooped up in my house. Most often tangled up in the blankets of my cold bed, despite me always being in it. After three weeks of me disappearing from the media, and the overall world, I started to receive phone calls from the people I hid from. This should've been a wake-up call for me to get over it. Friends, family, even my boss Simon Cowell had called a few times asking if I was okay, but of course, I wasn't, they probably already knew that too. I decided that I would tell Alesha about what happened, she was practically a younger sister to me after all our time spent on and off the BGT panel.

A month after the breakup, I had started to go numb towards it. I no longer cried, and I wasn't sad anymore, just numb. Unfeeling.


So this brings us to the present day and where I am now. Simon, my boss, had asked me if I wanted to meet him here, in this small, slightly run down, tea house, which seemed a bit off since he was a man practically made of money. But I had agreed to anyways since I needed to get over something that I no longer cared for. I had also grown small feelings for the music mogul that I've adored for so long. At first I thought it was just me trying to find someone new, to forget about Lara, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized they've always been there. I just never wanted to acknowledge them because I was in a relationship with Lara at the time, and I had fooled myself into loving her with all my heart, and I had also given her my loyalty.

A faint ringing of a bell sounded from over the door as someone stepped into the tea house, bringing me out of the sorrow story that continuously filled my head.

It was Simon,

He wore a dark grey long-sleeved shirt slightly taut against his chest, but looser around the sleeves, accompanied by black skinny jeans, cuffed at the end along with black and white stripped vans. It looked a lot nicer compared to my simple oversized cream-colored fisherman sweater, burgundy joggers, and plain black converse.

A sudden giddy sensation filled my stomach as a smile that I tried to fight back was painted onto my face. The small feelings I always had for him had blossomed into something beautiful over the past week, and I loved it. I wasn't just numb like I was before, I felt something now.

He stood there for a few seconds, his eyes scanning the room like in search of something until they finally focused on me. He walked over with a small smile on his face. Sitting himself across from me on the slightly curved corner booth, he spoke.

"Glad to see your back, Walliams," He greeted me with his usual smile.

 I sometimes thought he was quite two-faced. On and off camera he acted totally different, though his charm and his somewhat rude character were always consistent.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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