Its always seems to be a small world when you seem to be the only one living in it. Armies assume a man is evil because of the size of gun they carry. My greatest weapon was my brain, but I wouldn't call it a weapon more a natural phenomenon without the natural. So how do I differentiate from a normal high school student you may ask? I have what I like to call Tape-measure disorder. No, I don't measure things with my brain well sort of-more like I measure people just the danger thats brewing inside of them.
Children always inspire me, wow that sounds creepy. What I mean is on my "danger scale" which is 1-10, one being the innocent and ten being the most dangerous thing someone could ever encounter. Luckily, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting a ten, which to me sounds like it would be interesting. I want to know what number I would be thats one of the disadvantages of my so called ability. Would I be as innocent as a child or as dangerous as a tyrant.
I couldn't sleep last night, it keeps me up at night. Seeing murders every day plagues your mind like no other traumatic disorder. They prowl the streets with kind grins and gentle handshakes not showing their true colors to the people. Men with dull personalities interest me they are the reason I started writing. I can't talk to others about it so I talk to paper. I'm semi-normal, i'm a junior in high school, and I basically rely on my two friends and a boyfriend to keep me sane. Besides all of my fun nicknames like "freak" and "nerd" I do have a name which is Krista McFloyd but Kris for short. Trust me freshman year was rough with a name like that.
While I was waiting for the two delinquents I call friends to pick me up I took the tip of my busted black chucks and blasted pebbles into my neighbor Ms. Tootle's yard chuckling to myself dreaming what her face would look like when she mowed her grass later. Picking up another pebble I dropped it when I heard the bugle horn honking twenty-five times per minute waking up the whole neighborhood. I shot a thumb out into the road throwing a toothy grin on my face seeing the wild one out of the three of us. The one driving was Jessica Matthews better known as Jess she was listed as a five just because of her craziness not because she was harmful. The red-head sitting behind Jess who was waving frantically screaming at Jess to stop honking was Daisy Williams, listed as a whopping two, she was lets say the hippy of the group. Jess slammed on the breaks when she saw me, causing Daisy to almost fly through the windshield she caught the seat though.
I slid over the hood of Jess's 1974 Volkswagen Beetle, chucking my backpack at Daisy who didn't see it coming and got hit in the face. Laughing I slid through the window with ease and cranked up the beautiful voice of my husband Michael Jackson. Im surprised the speaker system still worked that good.
"I swear all you guys do is abuse me!" Daisy shouted over the radio throwing the backpack back at me which I caught.
"Only cause' we love you D." Jess responded, blowing her a kiss in the mirror.
Daisy responded by huffing rather loudly and sitting back into her seat folding her arms. It was a quite ride to school with small talk with Jess about my boyfriend Damien whom she hated with a passion.
"Whatever Krista, he's going to hurt you mark my words." Jess said in a strict almost motherly tone pointing a finger at me just to glance back at the road. I knew I was in trouble because one she said my full name two she pointed at me.
Daisy just sat in the back and watched us bicker but the three of us knew she didn't like him either, she just kept her mouth shut. Once Jess had passed the front gate she spun us into her parking spot almost running over three of George Washington High School's finest students. Daisy screamed again covering her mouth, while Jess and I covered our ears. Like every morning Daisy was the first out of the car and kissed the pavement like she would never see it again. I slipped my backpack over my shoulder and stepped out of the door slamming it shut because it wouldn't close any other way. Jess and I waited for Daisy to get over her "come to Jesus" moment and leaned back on the car.
" Take you're time over there princess, not like we have class or something." I scoffed, finally getting impatient.
Daisy finally got up trying to act mad but then realized Jess had her bag and gave us a sneaky little smile daring us not to give her her bag. Jess threw over her bag and we started walking into the building. Damien was sitting on the steps holding a white rose, and putting something in the pocket of his red and gold letterman jacket. I started smiling but covered it up.
"Hey Damien, your girlfriend must be pretty special." I said pushing my right hip out and leaning on the flag pole.
He looked up with worry in his eyes then he realized it was just me. He rushed towards me to scoop me into his arms and spun me around. He set me down and had the little white rose between his teeth, soon to put it behind my ear. I cringed as I felt the wetness from his lips on the stem. He grinned ear to ear and took my hand as we started to walk to the main entrance of the school. Jess and Daisy followed behind us, both had scowls on their faces. Damien walked with me to my locker but dropped my hand as soon as he saw the rest of the football team coming our way. Before they saw Damien and I together he quickly pecked my cheek and started walking towards them not even saying goodbye. I watched as he bro-hugged his friends and they turned down the hall disappearing into the sea of students. I closed my locker with a slam and leaned my back on the cold-blue metal. Jess stared a hole into the side of my head with her eyes.
"Keep staring Jess, but we have already had this conversation. You aren't Yoda!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air.
She huffed and stared at Daisy whispering something in her ear. Daisy walked over to me and looked me straight in the eye. With her big doe eyes peering into my soul I caved and turned to Jess holding out my index finger towards him. Our silent apologies. Jess looked up trying to suppress a grin but ducked her head again so Daisy and I wouldn't see. Jess eventually gave in and wrapped her little finger around mine. Jess looked up at us and showed off her white teeth as she grinned at us, I shook my head as I turned my heel to walk to my World History class that was right down the hall. I waved to Jess and Daisy as they turned to the right to walk to their class. Reaching for the door handle, I felt a coldness run down my spine I've never felt such a powerful force. Looking around the empty hallway, I saw nothing saying to myself 'its nothing'. Boy was I wrong.
No Rest For the Weird
ChickLitOne number. Two people. Krista McFloyd Is far from normal Collins Mackley is just the new kid They both have secrets. a/n: Yes, I know the decription sucks but please read